Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Freak Accidents

 Hi Saints.... This is a response to how many people I've seen that have had freaky accidents over the years including myself.

I've learned the hard way to claim protection  from freak accidents and injuries and I do it everyday.   After A friend got hurt getting our of her bed in the morning and was in pain for weeks and after I put my leg through a broken board on a hay wagon when I was jumping down from stacking hay I've realized that our enemy doesn't take a break or go on holidays.  No, he's always looking for a chink in our armor or an open door so he can attack us. 

"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy, the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." (1Pet. 5:8)

So.... think about it.   A lion looks for a weak on in the herd.... he's not going after the strong ones.   So according to Eph. 6 10-18 we are supposed to put on the full armor of God!   That's huge and yet so many Christians don't do it... (I'm guilty of this too!)

"10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. " (Eph. 6:10-18)


There's so much there...  So for starters put on the armor as you get dressed in the morning.  It will help you get into the right habit.

Also be aware of the things that take off your armor!   Gossip, slander, sin of any kind will take your armor off so Repent quickly!  

Next post will be about devil's schemes and how you can outsmart him!

Bless you all!

Brenda Gale Thompson


Friday, July 12, 2024

The Songs are changing!

 Good afternoon Saints!

I felt Holy Spirit telling me to write so here goes.   The last 10 or so years Holy Spirit has been changing some of the songs I like to sing.  I had heard from a number people that I respect  that I needed to sing the song of the Lord.  I have been trying and I have lots of choruses and beginnings of songs that I sing all day long.  Holy Spirit really likes this and It keeps me in His presence.   I really am His song bird!

I don't know how  new words affect copy rights but my intent is not to harm anyone.   We are in a new season and  we need new songs if we are ever going to do what needs to be done for Him. I keep getting "We can't without Him and He won't without us!"

 So I will give you a couple of examples.

In  one of my favorite songs "The Heart of Worship" by Matt Redman  Holy Spirit was grieved when I would sing the second verse.   So I asked what he would like me to sing and I got a new version.

 Original: "King of endless worth, no one could express, How much you deserve. Though I'm week and poor, all I have is Yours, every single breath"

New: " King of endless worth, no one could express how much you deserve.  So I'll become everything You've dreamt for me, Just to bless Your heart."

Holy Spirit likes my version so much better!

Second example is another one of my favorite songs, "Eagle's Wings" by Hillsongs.

I got a new verse and chorus for it. 

"Here I am Standing, in Your presence here today.  I am receiving Your Love.  Glorious streams of light are Healing up my soul.   The Angels are rejoicing to see me here.

Come live through me,  all my life,  take over.  I release your kingdom now, and I will rise and be Your gate."

So I hope I have encouraged you to sing what Holy Spirit wants you to sing.  Don't worry if it's not perfect or if you can't remember the words exactly.  Just sing a new song to the Lord! (Psalm 96:1, Psalm 98:1, Isa. 42:10, Psalm 144:9, Psalm 33:3 and Psalm 149:1)

You can see it’s a work in progress and that’s okay. Just keep singing! 


Brenda Gale Thompson

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Hold Beliefs Gently

 Hi.  Recently had a conversation with a friend that said I won't follow this person anymore because they think  blah, blah blah.   I didn't want to argue with him so I just said okay.   But it's been bugging me so I thought I would write about what I was thinking.

You see,   All my Christian life I have been told that  I can't believe what I believe and/or that I can't do what I'm doing.   Whether it was talking to Angels, operating in signs, wonders and miracles, street preaching as a woman, visiting heaven.  You name it.... There's always been someone  that has been opposed to stretching their belief systems or even acknowledging that there might be more!

I have learned over that years not to throw out the baby with the bath water.  I just do not talk about what they are so vehemently opposed to.  I am not their judge!  It is not up to me to change their mind!   I just keep living my life and ask God to keep working on them.   Because really, only Jesus has the full revelation of God. I certainly do not!

And you know that saying, 'The person with a testimony is never at the mercy of the person with a belief!" 

So they do not agree with you... That is okay.  So they do not want to see you anymore. Sad, but it happens more often than you think!   Keep praying for them, guard yourself against offense and go on with God!  You have sown precious seed in them. 

That is my advice.   Our belief systems change and we grow in God.   Hallelujah!   I want to become more and more like Him!  James 1:4, "Let our patience and endurance continue so that we might become mature and complete, not lacking any good thing!"

 I am reminded of the old gospel song...."I have decided to follow Jesus (3x).  No turning back.(2x)   Though none go with me still I will follow (3x).  No turning back (2x).

Amen and Amen!

Bless you!

Brenda Gale Thompson

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Driving my bus

 Hi there.   I'm working  late night shifts  driving around the city.  I love it! Gives me lots of time to pray and sing over the city and I've had lots of encounters too!

I claim the glory of God on my bus and its amazing how some  people are drawn to my bus and others are repulsed.   Yay God!   

I pray for people too as the the Lord leads.   Most times I just bless them or ask them if I can pray for them first.  Haven't been turned down yet!

The other night I was  driving along and came across some  leigh lines that had been contaminated so I was cleansing them as I usually do.  Then this fellow appeared at my right door as I drove (in the spirit).   As soon as I saw him he disappeared. Lol.  I think he was freaked out that I could see him!    He tried to throw a forgetful curse at me... didn't work of course.  

Made me sad that there are so few Christians taking authority over their neighborhood that this guy came to check out who was busting up his pentagram over the area  in the spirit realm.  

 Friends its so easy to do this!   Just pray "Lord, your will be done  and your Kingdom come in this area.   Let your angels get their testimonies  and let me be your worship warrior, in Jesus' name! Amen!"  

Then I sing the song the Lord prompts me to sing as I drive and decree what he nudges me to decree over each area.

My advice is start with your street and Remember to break off all retaliation, backlash and transference of spirits hourly and you'll be fine!

Why you say? Because your enemy is a dirty fighter.  If you punch him he's going to punch you back where ever you hurt.  So be ready for it.  You are a soldier!   We rule and reign with the words and songs we speak or sing out of our mouths.   No words,,, no victory!  Wrong words and you've just helped the devil steal, kill and destroy....  The Choice is yours!

Needless to say I major on God's mercy!   It's only by his mercy and grace that I'm doing anything at all!

Nuff said.

Have a great day with him!  

Brenda Gale Thompson

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Great Exercises for seeing and perceiving in Heaven!

 Hi!   Chris Carter does a very practical exercises with a group to start going to Heaven.   I really enjoyed his practical, approach and how he deals with all our natural objections.

Well worth watching and making notes from it.



 Brenda Gale



Friday, August 28, 2020

Trading in Heaven

  A friend asked me write about what I've experienced in heaven.    What follows is my notes as the encounter happened. 

I stepped by faith into heaven a couple of weeks ago.  I was in my garden and it was so beautiful. There were lots of gems on the bench I like to sit on.  So many different colors and shapes.  I couldn't count how many there were. Some had even fallen to the ground.  I knew that they show up when I worship my King and when I'm obedient so I grabbed a bunch of them and put them in my belly for safe keeping.

I went to  go see Melchizedek  cause I knew I should trade them for something.   I'm so grateful for him! (He's patient with me).   He asked me what I wanted.

I replied, "I want to fulfill my ketuba (my destiny scroll).   

He nodded gently then prompted me, "And?"

I want to bless the Father's heart!

"And?", he said (thought)

I thought out loud, "I really want to be in Heaven while I'm on the earth. I need help!  So many places I would love to visit and be in every day."

Now he's nodding . I can feel his approval.  I felt the words, "Holy Spirit will help you."

Then I heard Holy Spirit say, "Turn the TV off.  Desire will make a way."

 Melchizedek then asked me, "Anything else?"

 I was struggling with what to ask for,  so I questioned, "Is it okay to ask for more angels?"

That evoked a big belly laugh from him!  (He knows how many angels I keep busy already.) So I changed it.  "How about I activate all the idle angels around me?  

He got a hold of himself and smiled at me, "You are already."

I started thinking... He's the keeper of the treasury rooms of heaven. Hallelujah!  

"Yes,", he interjected.

So I blurted out, "What would you like me to ask for?"

That question surprised him. (I got the feeling that not many people had ever asked him that.) He replied,  "Ask the Father for the gifts that others don't want."

"Okay!  I can do that!", I exclaimed. 

He's very happy now! 

I added, "Thanks so much for all your patience with me and all your help."

He replied slowly, "Thank you Brenda Gale!" and I felt a wave of light and blessing envelope me. So remarkable -  I'm marked by heaven. So much love, acceptance, hope and excitement. I'll never be the same!  

I looked down and there was a glowing scroll inside of me. All of heaven and hell can see it. Wow!

Then Holy Spirit told me that Melchizedek has to look after the next person.   I can stay and watch or go somewhere else.

I backed off about 20 feet  and a man approached.  One small gem in his hand to offer for trade. ( I wanted to give him some of my gems but Holy Spirit said , "No. Be still!" 

He wanted wealth which Melchizedek traded for, but I felt a yearning that the person would ask for something different.

Then he disappeared and I saw the shadow of a woman trading but she had no gems or tears, just desire.  I was wondering what would happen when Jesus appeared and he offered his blood for trade on her behalf.  Melchizedek honored it. I realized that she wanted healing and Melchizedek gave her an orb of light. (I somehow knew it was for physical and mental healing).

Wow, I thought! I realized that Jesus has done that for me too when I didn't know about Melchizedek!  The wonders of heaven!!  How they long to give us stuff, to equip us!

I  thanked Holy Spirit for helping me and I stepped back into my kitchen.

(Guess who's now asking for the gifts that others don't want? lol)

Have a blessed day!

Big hugs,

Brenda Gale Thompson


Thursday, July 23, 2020

Simple Setup of Portable Air Conditioner in a room with Crank style Windows

Hi!   I couldn't find the youtube video I saw years ago for setting up a air conditioner in a room with crank windows so I took lots of photos as I set it up again today.

All you need is  Cling Wrap, Duct tape and a pair of scissors!   Plus you don't need to damage the window Frame!

So first I taped the frame that came with the air conditioner to the screen frame . Made sure it faced the right way for the hose to attach to it after.
Then I wrapped the screen with cling wrap starting at the bottom and working upwards, making sure that the wrap overlapped the previous layer by half. 

Then I cut the cling wrap out of the duct area on both sides of the screen. 
And the other side I cut a bit bigger around the outlet 
Now you’re ready to install your screen then attach the outlet hose! 
My screen has these little tabs that you rotate to hold the screen in the frame. 
They work great and the window frame is not damaged! 
Here is the same setup in another bedroom, this is the second or third summer for the same cling wrap setup!  (sorry for the photo orientation.  still learning how to use the mobile app)