Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Friend of God

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Awesome teaching by Bobby Conner. Here are my notes.
God is inviting us to draw near. Rev. 4:1

We have unfettered access to Him as we have clean hands and pure motives.
Psalm 24

2Cor 7:1 Cleanse ourselves from everything that contaminates us, Perfecting Holiness out of reverence for God.

Promise of being identified as true, mature sons and daughters of God is looming over us. Those that can run the family kingdom business. Dominion power.
Search us and examine us Lord. Ps. 139:23 try me.

Ps. 66:18 iniquity cuts off communion. Deal with hidden sins. Allow the Lord to shine the spot light on your heart and when something ugly shows up don't make excuses for it repent quickly and ask him to show you how to change and renounce it.

Psalm 51. Have mercy on me, Oh Lord.
Live CLEAN and PURE. Purity and Holiness is not optional.
Without Holiness no one will see the Lord.

Lam 3:21-22 Great is thy Faithfulness.

God's now restoring Joel 2:25 He'll even restore our stupid mistakes just like He did the prodigal son.

Enjoy!   He's an awesome God.... I love how many scripture verses Bobby uses when he preaches.  It's amazing! You can find lots of his teaching on YouTube.  Just look up Bobby Conners.

Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson