Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Hold Beliefs Gently

 Hi.  Recently had a conversation with a friend that said I won't follow this person anymore because they think  blah, blah blah.   I didn't want to argue with him so I just said okay.   But it's been bugging me so I thought I would write about what I was thinking.

You see,   All my Christian life I have been told that  I can't believe what I believe and/or that I can't do what I'm doing.   Whether it was talking to Angels, operating in signs, wonders and miracles, street preaching as a woman, visiting heaven.  You name it.... There's always been someone  that has been opposed to stretching their belief systems or even acknowledging that there might be more!

I have learned over that years not to throw out the baby with the bath water.  I just do not talk about what they are so vehemently opposed to.  I am not their judge!  It is not up to me to change their mind!   I just keep living my life and ask God to keep working on them.   Because really, only Jesus has the full revelation of God. I certainly do not!

And you know that saying, 'The person with a testimony is never at the mercy of the person with a belief!" 

So they do not agree with you... That is okay.  So they do not want to see you anymore. Sad, but it happens more often than you think!   Keep praying for them, guard yourself against offense and go on with God!  You have sown precious seed in them. 

That is my advice.   Our belief systems change and we grow in God.   Hallelujah!   I want to become more and more like Him!  James 1:4, "Let our patience and endurance continue so that we might become mature and complete, not lacking any good thing!"

 I am reminded of the old gospel song...."I have decided to follow Jesus (3x).  No turning back.(2x)   Though none go with me still I will follow (3x).  No turning back (2x).

Amen and Amen!

Bless you!

Brenda Gale Thompson