Friday, March 22, 2013

It's HOT in Revival!

You would think we were in the fires of Revival, the way the warfare intensifies before the Friday night healing service!

So many thought attacks going something like this:

1.  You're too tired to go to the service
2.  You have better things to do.
3.  No one appreciates all you do.
4.  No one is going to miss you if you don't go.
5.  People are just using you.
6.  What's the point anyhow?
7.  Heaviness, despondency, broken promises, etc., etc., etc.,

The List goes on and on.
We have to be sharp to catch these little thoughts before they can derail God's purposes in our lives.

 Here are some confessions that  have worked for me.

Re: 1. Thank You Jesus that you arm me with your strength and power and you make my way perfect. Thank you Lord Jesus that Your strength is made perfect in my weakness. (2Sam. 22:33, 2Cor. 12:9)

Re: 2.   Thank You Lord that you are ordering my steps today because I love your word. (Ps.119:133)  Thank you Lord that You go before me and prepare the way for me.  Thank You Lord that I determine to walk in the spirit and not my flesh.  I command my mind, will and emotions to line up with the word of God. (ref. Rom 8:11-12)  I seek those things that are above and not below.  I determine to press on in Jesus' name. (ref.Col. 3:1-2, Phil.3:12)

Re: 3  Thank you Lord that YOU reward your people who work in the ministry and in your word. (Is. 40:10, Prov. 13:13) Thank You Lord for meeting every need so that I can give on every occasion and have a surplus left over. (2Cor. 9:11) I sow my volunteer work as seed into your kingdom and I expect to reap 100 fold return now, in Jesus' name. (ref. Gen. 8:22)

Re: 4.   Thank You Lord that I am a part of the army of Christ and that I am important to you.  Thank You Lord that as I worship and praise you I am opening a portal of glory and all the people around me will be impacted by it. Let your Kingdom come and your will be done today in my life.

Re: 5. Thank You Lord that I do my work as unto the Lord and not to man.  Lord, I thank you for leading me and guiding me by your spirit.  Thank You for Balance in my life, Lord.  Help me to always look after my own personal walk with you so that I don't burn out. (ref. Song 1:6b)  Thank You Lord that I WILL be faithful, I will be found faithful in all your house. (Prov. 20:6, 28:20) I refuse to be downcast or disturbed because I know that I can praise you! (Ps. 42:5,11)

Re:6.  The Bible promises that we are changed from glory to glory in his presence.  (ref. 2Cor. 3:18) If all you can do is drive to church and crawl to the front  and stand or lay in His presence as others worship-- do it! The testimonies every week are proof enough! I determine to recount all the miracles and testimonies I've seen already and I determine to stretch my faith to believe for greater miracles and different types of miracles.  I decree that no one goes home the same in Jesus' name!  

Re: 7.  Thank You Lord for showing me what's going on in the spirit realm.  Thank you Lord for these words of knowledge and I decree that Your will is being done today, that lots of people are doing to come and help us bring in the harvest, look after all the babies and raise up disciples.

Thank you Lord for rewarding the volunteers and for leading and guiding us today. Thank you for greater fruitfulness in Your vineyard. Thank You for harvest angels, revival angels and all your other angels that are helping us.  Thank You Lord for sending out more (prepared) laborers into the harvest fields.  Thank you for strengthening us with your might from on High.  Thank you Lord for encouraging us every day. Amen! 

I hope this helps you.   Yes, we are in the hot fires of Revival-- and there's no place I'd rather be!!
In this Revival there are no 'Lone Rangers' anymore.  When we get under attack it's important to fight back right away with the right words so we can stay free and help others stay free.  Good friends that you can pray with are a must!

Food for thought.....  What areas do you get attacked in on Fridays?  Can you use one of the answers I've listed to help you through it?

Bless you, in Jesus' Name!
Brenda Gale

Friday, March 8, 2013

Waiting on the Lord

The Lord told me over a year ago that if I wanted to help birth this huge revival that I needed to spend 90% of my anointing on Him.  I have taken him at his word because he can't lie and He doesn't change.   He was the one who said that the pure in heart would see His face.  I am taking that promise to the bank.

That means that I haven't gone out to do much prophetic evangelism and I only went out to preach at a church once last year -- mind you I did prophesy over every person there, lol.  Most of my time was spent serving at my local church and waiting on the Lord.

Waiting on God is never a waste of time because it intensifies the anointing on you.  I led a little girl to the Lord a week or so ago.  I've been getting really accurate words of knowledge for people as I drive around and they've been healed. Just today I was able to share with a lady about the meetings at Kinburn and she wanted to know about God so I shared about getting saved, dreams and interpretation and I testified about all the different types of healings I've seen at Kinburn Revival.

Also, I went shopping  two weeks ago and I witnessed to the clerk, gave out some tracts to some young teens that were wandering around and I loved on a lady that God showed me was really lonely.

I want to encourage you to wait on the Lord every day.  He will give you your marching orders and make your time really fruitful.  We all want to make a difference right?  Lord, show us how!

On that note, here is a really good clip by Dave Reid, about the rewards of waiting on the Lord...

The Lord gave me a verse to help me be tenacious.  It's Is. 42:4, "I will not falter or be discouraged until your justice is established in the whole world."  AMEN!  We won't quit or be discouraged. We build ourselves up in our most holy faith by praying in other tongues. We do seek the Lord while he may be found. We are bold and courageous because we study His word (Bible).

Here's the latest video clip of myself at church sharing a vision that the Lord gave me.  Let it ignite your heart to seek Him More!

Bless you!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson

Going to the Next Level

Sammy Robinson identified the spirit stopping us from going to the next level. He called in and insidious spirit.  Insidious means "Proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects: "the insidious effects of stress" or "Treacherous; crafty: "an insidious alliance". 

Then he  warned us about losing our voice and to guard our voice.  This can happen so easily as we try to maintain some semblance of peace in our homes or workplaces.  However, it has a huge price tag.  We are called to war! "The Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force".  

The next time someone starts to openly mock or taunt me I'm not going to walk away I'm going to pray in tongues and then speak what Holy Spirit leads.  Enough is enough!   Lord help us to separate the enemy from the people around us.  Help us to recognize the evil spirits.   Shed your love abroad in our hearts and help us to be bold and courageous for You!  Amen! is Sammy's clip.   is part 2.

Have a great day!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson