Monday, June 13, 2016

Missed It.... But I am Learning!

 I was supposed to go out a few days ago to meet a group of Street Evangelists.  I was really excited about it and I got there right on time.   I waited and waited and no one showed up.... I was very disappointed so I messaged the organizer..... No response... Then I checked his facebook page and lo and behold he had cancelled the meeting half an hour after I checked  it that morning... Sigh...  There went my chance for fellowship with believers that day.

I had a few errands to do and I thought well there's no harm in giving out a few encouraging words along the way.   I was headed to Walmart but felt to go to Big Al's first... I walked inside and it was a zoo.  Tons of people everywhere.   I saw a little boy and thought how handsome he was but I didn't speak it to him.... A mother with a little baby passed by and I saw them and smiled and walked by....

Needless to say the rest of my shopping was a hurry... Get in, get what I needed and get out.  I went home and asked myself, "What happened?"

The Lord told me a few things that I'm going to share so you don't have to make the same mistakes, lol.

First of all... I needed to get my heart healed up from the disappointment.   Repentance then praise would have been the right thing to do before I went and did my errands.  Good decrees really help in those kind of situations.

Second.... I missed the opportunity with the little boy and the baby.  I love kids and I find that the fastest way to get my prophetic juices flowing is to ask for encouraging words for kids and babies.  God will often show me what their giftings are and give me pointers to help the parents to develop their gifts.

Third... I didn't repent after missing it with the kids....  Every time we don't follow the little nudges of Holy Spirit we are putting an offering on a demon alter... Not good.  The best thing to do is to repent for missing it and ask for a second chance.  Then you can redeem the time.

Fourth.... Slow down!  Take the time to ask Holy Spirit questions about people.  Sometimes you will feel drawn to a person or something will strike you about them. That's a good indicator that God wants you to pray or speak to them... but you have to ask Him clarifying questions first.

Fifth...  I should have prepared more in advance.... I have some good decrees that I wrote that help me get into the right flow....   Here's the link

 I hope this encourages you in your faith... I am certainly not perfect... However our God is and he's famous for giving us more opportunities to redeem the time!  I want to represent Jesus to my world Hallelujah! and Holy Spirit loves that!

Have a great day with Him!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson

Update:  I went out yesterday and gave out some destiny words and prayed for a little boy.  Then at work I prayed for a few people and blessed a few others.  These steps work!

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