Sunday, April 25, 2021

Driving my bus

 Hi there.   I'm working  late night shifts  driving around the city.  I love it! Gives me lots of time to pray and sing over the city and I've had lots of encounters too!

I claim the glory of God on my bus and its amazing how some  people are drawn to my bus and others are repulsed.   Yay God!   

I pray for people too as the the Lord leads.   Most times I just bless them or ask them if I can pray for them first.  Haven't been turned down yet!

The other night I was  driving along and came across some  leigh lines that had been contaminated so I was cleansing them as I usually do.  Then this fellow appeared at my right door as I drove (in the spirit).   As soon as I saw him he disappeared. Lol.  I think he was freaked out that I could see him!    He tried to throw a forgetful curse at me... didn't work of course.  

Made me sad that there are so few Christians taking authority over their neighborhood that this guy came to check out who was busting up his pentagram over the area  in the spirit realm.  

 Friends its so easy to do this!   Just pray "Lord, your will be done  and your Kingdom come in this area.   Let your angels get their testimonies  and let me be your worship warrior, in Jesus' name! Amen!"  

Then I sing the song the Lord prompts me to sing as I drive and decree what he nudges me to decree over each area.

My advice is start with your street and Remember to break off all retaliation, backlash and transference of spirits hourly and you'll be fine!

Why you say? Because your enemy is a dirty fighter.  If you punch him he's going to punch you back where ever you hurt.  So be ready for it.  You are a soldier!   We rule and reign with the words and songs we speak or sing out of our mouths.   No words,,, no victory!  Wrong words and you've just helped the devil steal, kill and destroy....  The Choice is yours!

Needless to say I major on God's mercy!   It's only by his mercy and grace that I'm doing anything at all!

Nuff said.

Have a great day with him!  

Brenda Gale Thompson

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