The same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you! (Romans 8:11)
I know we've heard it before but it bears repeating. "The same Spirit that raised Jesus up from the grave dwells in you." (Rom. 8:11 my paraphrase)
I am convinced that we don't understand all that this verse implies.
In 1 John 4:17 we read that "...as Jesus is, so are we in this world."
If resurrection power, earth shattering, devil stomping power resides in me, in my spirit what am I doing with it?
What am I speaking to my situations? Am I exercising authority over them? Ouch... I wish I could say I was but sometimes it's hard to recognize the fight, because we've put up with failure so long.
Therefore I am asking the Lord to help me wise up to what's going on around me.
His power is the greatest thing around so I have got get better at releasing it into my situations. How you ask? The same way the disciples did. They were told to wait to be endued with power so they did and God came through. The result was Pentecost! They didn't just wait that one time either. Throughout the book of Acts it mentions how they prayed and asked for even more power! (Acts 4:29-33) What a thought! (I'm not doing even a tenth of what those disciples did!)
They spent time every day in prayer, seeking God. They also spoke what God told them to. They spoke words of authority like, "Stand up and walk."... commanding words that were not to be argued with. They had a revelation of who they were.
I don't know about you, but I never got anywhere begging God. The bible says that "He is waiting on us to make His enemies His footstool." (Heb. 10:13)
It would be very unkind to expect us to do something without giving us the tools to do it and since God is such a good Daddy, I know He's put the tools where we can reach them. He's not far from us. He's patient with us, not wanting any to perish. He wants us to get this.
The Bible contains more tools than I will ever need. So I am going to ask Him to reveal them to me day by day.
Let's pray.
Lord help me to make time to listen to You every day. Show me how to make you first in my life. Thank You Jesus for protecting my time with You. Help me to hear and trust Your voice. Thank You for leading me into Your word. Thank You for wisdom and revelation from the Bible. Thank You Lord Jesus for showing me what to speak over my life and circumstances. I thank you in advance for the answers you are giving me Lord. Amen!
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