Sunday, April 8, 2012

Like Calves???

I remember once years ago when my husband and I got a word from a Leader about us coming out of stalls like calves.  We didn't understand it and wondered why the Leader was associating us with calves.  Were we immature? Was he saying we were inexperienced?  It didn't make sense.  He wasn't an approachable fellow so we just had to leave it behind.

Of course.... now I know that he was quoting part of a Bible verse.  Really!  I was so surprised when I came across this verse years later.  "But unto you who revere and worshipfully fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings and His beams, and you shall go forth and gambol like calves [released] from the stall and leap for joy." (Mal. 4:2 Amp.)

I now know so much more about this verse.  That leader was giving me a key to my future ministry and I didn't know it!

I can't think of a single ministry experience in the last two years where I have not lead people in prayers of forgiveness and prayed for God to heal the wounds in their souls that caused their walls and unforgiveness.

So much of the healing we want is blocked up because of unforgiveness.  So many prophesies are on the shelf because of the wounds in our souls.  Yes our spirits are born again but our souls need healing.

Only in God's love through Jesus and Holy Spirit do our souls find healing and the strength to live without walls and protection mechanisms.  His love heals us and frees us to the point where we don't need to live behind walls of protection anymore.

Many prophesies that are over us will not come to pass because of the wounds in our souls.  With testimonies comes persecution and stress and we need to be prepared to handle it with the fruit of the spirit.

I know I am working on healing some wounds in my soul.  I just had one show up the other day in something my husband did innocently that triggered a reaction in me I wasn't expecting.   Later in my quiet time I asked the Lord why I had reacted that way and he showed my something from my teenage years that I had lived through with great stress and fear that caused me to put up a wall. 

I then asked the Lord to heal me so that I wouldn't hurt anyone again.  As we behold him we are changed from glory to glory.  So we focus on Jesus, call on his name and decree the promises that will renew our minds and set us free.   I was singing, "There is healing in the blood of Jesus, there is healing in the blood of Jesus. There is healing in the blood of Jesus.  It washes (me) white as snow."

God's so good!  He's been helping me at home and the victories I've been getting at home I have been able to transfer to other people during ministry times.  They are getting free from stuff that has taken me weeks to work through in a few minutes.  Hallelujah!

In conclusion I want to bless you with a Happy Easter.  May the son of righteousness arise with healing in his wings and his beams and heal the wounds in your soul.  May you then be able to frolic around like calves let out from the stall, without a care in the world! Amen!  (ref. Mal.4:2)

Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson

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