Friday, April 6, 2012

Who's Your Source?

Peace Lilies I was given this week.
I got asked for money by a man and I don't even know them, some fellow in a far off land. I responded honestly, "Do you realize how many requests we receive every week from people like you? We can't possibly give to everyone who asks.  I am looking to God to supply my needs too!"

He thanked me for responding and said that the Bible says to ask.  He's right, the Bible does say to ask-- to ask God.  He is our source... no one else.  It's right in the Lord's prayer of Matt. 6:11, "Give us this day our daily bread."

I think he was referring to the text, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you..."(Matt. 7:7) If you take this verse by itself then it implies you can ask anyone for help.  If you take it in context of the paragraph, Jesus says in a later verse, " If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?" (Matt. 7:11 Italics mine)

So is it wrong to ask people for help? I would say no, but, you are limiting yourself to the natural realm when you do this.  It is very easy for people to limit themselves by focusing on people to get our needs and wants met.   We limit God when we do this and miss out on his supernatural provision.  He has so many more ways to meet our needs than we have ever dreamed.

We can turn people into idols when we look to them for our supply instead of God and we don't want to do that.  Even us wives have to be careful to go to God with our needs and not our husbands all the time.  God can use our husbands to meet our need but he also has many other ways to supply our need.

It's the same for employees looking to their paycheck to meet their needs or a pastor his congregation,  we can all fall into this trap rather easily.

The world will never take care of you as good as God will.  He has promised to meet all our needs according to his riches in Glory.  So it's our job to praise and worship him and when we feel Holy Spirit around us ask him what we are allowed to speak into His presence and glory. It could be a promise he's given you, divine connections, favor with the right people, provision for the vision, our daily bread plus more so we can give on every occasion.  Holy Spirit will tell you what to speak.

As you speak God's promise to you out loud, thank him for answering.  Then bless the Lord with your thankfulness  and praise during the day and watch what will happen.

-I have seen God look after me so many ways it defies description.
-I've been crows supernaturally appear on my farm when we couldn't rid of pigeons that were wrecking our hay. The pigeons left in a hurry! PTL!
-I've seen bees appear supernaturally from I don't know where to set up a hive on my property after we gave up trying to entice bee keepers onto our farm.
-I've seen lightning and rain on 3 sides of our property and our place stay dry so we could bale hay the next day.
-I've seen a little five year old give me peace lilies when God heard me say I would love some but don't have the money right now (on Thursday).
-I have had a motorcycle given to me and two cars so far and I didn't go ask anyone for them. I just kept praising him.
-I have had 4 new careers when I didn't know what I could do that would be lucrative.  God opened doors supernaturally.
-I watched in awe as my 8 cylinder car ran on empty for 10 days, many hours a day because I was strapped for cash.
-I saw a fellow arrange for us to get 3 winter's worth of wood free after my husband got laid off. We weren't asking anyone for help, but God knew our situation!
-I saw carrots grow to over 16 inches long when I loosed the power of creation into the seed.  What a testimony for my grandmother.  She asked me, "What did you do to that seed?" Ha, ha, it was a good witness to God's  care for her.
- I have seen food multiply so everybody could eat and there was lots left over. Hallelujah!  It took away my fear of having people over unexpectedly.
-Finally, I have had people track me down to give me money and I wasn't asking for it.  God knew my need.

God is no respecter of persons. (ref. Acts. 10:34)  What he has done for me he will do for you.  Let's all practice looking to God to give us our daily bread and not other people. It will help all our relationships to flourish.

I bless you with a hunger for God's word and the ability to take him at his word. May you find new joy today as you trust God more. Amen!

Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson

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