Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I Am So Proud!

I am so proud of the guys that go to my church. This fellow Glen, that I got on video tape is amazing.

He's so natural about sharing the Kingdom of God.   I am guessing, but I think it's because he was in the church 30+ years before he really got activated, that he's so thorough with people.  He doesn't assume that people don't want Jesus or they don't want to get saved.

Because of that he has led many people to the Lord.  We need to applaud  people like this because Revival is dead in the water when people are not getting saved.  This man has led so many people to the Lord and brought many people to  the Healing Services at Kinburn Revival/

I put some text in the video so you could see the progression I see him using on a regular basis.  It's working for him and it will work for you too!

Go and be blessed! You are a Mobile Healing Unit.  Your hands are armed and dangerous and kick the devil's butt wherever you go.  Your words are setting captives free, speaking life to dead situations and healing to those that are oppressed.   You ARE his ambassador! Amen!

Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson

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