Yup.... it was a eye opener for sure. Now I am looking for ways that I can trim my grocery bill a bit more, without sacrificing the variety of our diet. I don't think I'm ready to have beans 4 different ways a week.
The other thing she pointed out was that I didn't give out a word of knowledge in the grocery store and she's right. I have been so busy video taping and video editing that I've fallen out of the groove and slipped back into not doing much with what I have.
It's time to set up some better boundaries with certain individuals and stoke the fire again. If I have been there once I can get there again.
Here's some confessions that I use to stoke the fire of God inside of me. Speak them out loud and see how they help you!
Thank You Lord that You are always with me. That you will never leave me or forsake me.
Thank You Lord that I see with your eyes and that Your love compels me to reach out and help relieve suffering, wherever I find it.
Thank You Lord that I am full of you, Holy Spirit.
Thank You Lord that I am a walking conduit of Heaven's glory and presence.
Thank You Lord that I release the light of your glory within me every where I go.
Thank You Lord that I resist the devil and he has to flee.
Thank You Lord that I exult Your word above my experience.
Thank You Lord that I don't let a lack of instant results deter me from reaching out and commanding healing to flow to others. I can always give them a church business card and ask them to contact us with their testimony later.
Thank You Lord for all the angels that hearken to Your word through me. Show me what to decree so the angels get their testimonies today.
Thank You Lord that I resist fear and I walk with Holy Spirit. Freely I have received and freely I give.
Thank You Lord that I don't grieve Holy Spirit today.
Thank You Lord that I am quick to repent when I don't feel Holy Spirit's abiding presence around me.
Thank You Lord that I honor your 'nudges' above my need for comfort or security.
THank You Lord that I seize the moments to make a difference for You.
Thank You for Heaven on earth flowing through me.
Thank You Lord that I'm bold because I'm righteous!
Thank you Lord that I am Your revival vessel today, right now!
Thank You Lord for going ahead of me and preparing the path for me.
Thank you for opportunities to advance your kingdom and for your help to recognize what you would have me to say and do.
Thank You Lord for more of your love shed abroad in my heart to day.
Thank You Lord for a great day with You.
Thank you Lord that there's nothing that can happen that we can't get through together.
Thank you that You are working all things together for my good.
Thank you for blessing and protecting Israel and all her people.
Thank You Lord for protecting all my leaders. Bless them and guide them Lord. Amen!
That's a good way to start. Believe it or not, I have to get past the point of 'what if nothing happens' too. Actually, something always happens when we pray for people. It is just it starts on the inside first and works it's way to the outside. Just like a cold starts inside before you ever have symptoms, so does healing start from the inside.
Therefore be encouraged! You will get your testimonies! God is faithful! He won't test you beyond what you can endure. And in the mean time he's pruning you and growing you into a short, bushy tree that bears much fruit for the Kingdom of God. Hallelujah!
Bless you!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson
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