Thursday, September 12, 2013


I have heard a lot of stuff in my fifty years and I have seen a lot of stuff go wrong in relationships.

I have seen seemingly good relationships fall apart for the most minimal reasons that became mountains somehow.

Because I value relationships above money I have watched and learned a few things to protect relationships.  Here's one big tip...

When you go on a trip or a joint venture with someone before the end of it always ask if the money obligations are satisfied.  You do not want them walking away feeling used or shortchanged.   My friend was really good about that and I so appreciated her bringing up that sensitive topic.

You see, I made the mistake of going on a holiday with someone and wrongly assumed that they would bring money to cover their share of the motel, food, gas and some spending money.  What a shock when I found out that she didn't bring a cent!  Spent her money before the trip no less!

So now I know to communicate more, rather than less.   This can be very difficult especially if the other person is 'too busy' for you.... but you have to try.

When a friend was planning on going on a 3 week holiday with two of her  friends I suggested that she discuss in advance what the itinerary was going to be, how many events they wanted to take in, who was going to drive and how the expenses were going to be paid for.   After the trip my friend phoned and thanked me many times for that piece of advice because the trip was great, there were no headaches and their friendships were still intact.

You see,  some people have the idea that Christianity doesn't affect their spending habits  They are Christians, all right-- they just haven't gotten a revelation about kingdom priorities.

In the Kingdom of God we are warned not to cause  any of God's little ones to stumble.  God values you and I --not money.

If you are on the receiving end of some financial abuse... take heart!  God hears your cry and he will pay you back.

That's not to excuse the other person's behavior.   They will end up having to retake the test another time.  Your priority is to keep your heart clean before the Lord.  That's a big enough assignment!

I hope this tip saves you some grief.  I am still learning of course and I welcome your feed back.

Have a great day with HIM!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson

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