Saturday, June 6, 2015

Good listen about getting free from Porn

Hi there.....   I hate porn!  I hate everything about it!... I hate what it does to the person engaged in it and the death it brings to the person, their wives/girlfriends and children.

Also,  there are all the downstream effects of pornography: erectile dysfunction,   more twisted lusts, and the crimes people commit to fulfill those new desires and fantasies.

Did you know that the number one reason a woman will leave a man is because of porn addiction?  She knows he's fooling around on her.  I have met many porn widows.... some who were positive that their husbands/boyfriends were having an affair on them. They might not have been physically at that moment but they were emotionally!

There has been so little authoritative teaching on this subject and so many Christian men struggle with this I am thrilled to find this youtube video about purity.


There's also a book put out by Promise Keepers called, "Sex, God  and Men" by Douglas Weiss.  It has some good stuff in it about the different levels of masturbation etc.  and how to bond with your mate so porn is not so desirable.

Basically..... your best option is to ask Holy Spirit to help you to hate your sin... that's the start.  And, as always,,, run to God... not away from Him!  A healed heart is much stronger at resisting porn than a broken, hurting person.

So If you want to pray with me let's start out this way... You can add whatever the Lord lays on your heart.  

" Lord, your will be done and your kingdom come in our lives in a greater way today.  We claim courage to run to You, not away from you. We know that you were tempted to sin, yet didn't sin and we too can resist temptation! Hallelujah for the hope and victories you have in store for us! Amen!"

Have a great day!
Brenda Gale Thompson

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