Monday, October 19, 2015
Healing delayed?
Hi there....
I have got a good testimony to share with you. I stubbed my toe a while back and I keep reinjuring it. No fun when it's my right foot and I drive approximately 6-8 hours a day.
Aliss Crisswell has some great teaching about this. I made notes from her Youtube video. She says that when a condition doesn't respond to Healing prayer often there is a demon behind it and we need to deal with that.
So here's my summery of her teaching:
First we come out of agreement with this condition. For example, "Lord forgive me for coming into agreement with the evil spirit causing my sprained or broken toe" We don't even realize we are coming into agreement with it sometimes! It can be as simple as taking some pain medication or telling others that we jammed our toe on the furniture!
Second, we command the evil spirit to go, In Jesus' Name! Then we on purpose breath in Holy Spirit and breath out the demon and command it to leave and not bother anyone else but go straight to Jesus.
Also, if you have someone that will agree with you get them to put a hand on your shoulder and command the spirit to leave immediately while you do the breath in Holy Spirit thing.
I want to tell you that I did this last night for my toe and it worked! I've been praying for this toe for weeks and I put in a request for healing to a healing team a week ago and still the pain would get agonizing at times if I had to bend my toe at all. I got mad and started praying for healing for so many people and I would not give up!
Hallelujah! It pays to not give up! I am so grateful. I wasn't even looking for anything about my toe,,, just learning about angels and their ministry when this video came up on the playlist and had Aliss Crisswell teaching on it. How awesome is our God!!! Now I can go walk my dogs for as long as I want! Praise the Lord!
Anyhow, I hope this can help you too! It pays to not give up. God will get the revelation to you somehow if you keep seeking. I'm proof of that!
Have a great day!
Brenda Gale Thompson
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Monday, October 12, 2015
My Confessions (2014)
A tote full of journals! |
In every journal notebook I write down thankful confession in the back pages. 2014 was a year of huge changes for me so it was important to keep grounding myself in the word and in God's presence so I would come out victorious. I'm sharing them so you'll have a starting point for your own thankful confessions to build yourself up with. Enjoy!
Thank You Lord that I claim double for all my trouble!
If I want a change I must make a change!
God is with me! Thank You Lord that I'm never alone. I always have my angels around me!
I can do all things!
Thank You Lord that I have favor with God and people!
Thank You Lord that I can do anything through Your power that works so mightily in me!
I am his Living Sacrifice! There is nothing better than Holy Spirit living through me! So Holy Spirit live through me, sing through me, dance and flag through me. Please also, speak through me, encourage others through me, walk with me, love through me, forgive through me and decree things through me, Amen! Hallelujah!
Thank You Lord that I decree a thing and it shall be established and Your Light shall shine on my ways, Hallelujah! (Job. 22:28)
Thank You Lord that I ask you what I'm allowed to decree into every situation I come across. I stay humble and you will exalt me in due season!
Thank you Lord that you are guarding my reputation. You will vindicate my righteous cause! Thank You Lord that a Kind woman gains respect, glory and honor, but ruthless men gain only wealth.
Thank You Lord that You are arming me with strength and power and You are making my way perfect. (2Sam. 22:33, Psalm 18:32)
I break off all failure, self pity and oppression. Angels go and make a way for me, Open the right doors and close the wrong ones. Thank You Lord for Wisdom's help.
Thank you Lord for a new home, new friends, new dreams, new Ministry opportunities and many occasions to give you praise! Thank You Lord that Your Joy is my strength. I chose to rejoice in You!
Thank You Lord that I command my body to line up with the word of God. I am full of self control and I eat in moderation! My body is losing fat easily as I work out and change my eating habits.
PTL! My Godly metabolism is revved up and my body drops to the perfect weight. Thank you Jesus that I like to work out! Thank You Jesus for renewing my youth like the eagle!
PTL! I step into His Kingdom and take communion every day and God is transforming my DNA into HIS! Hallelujah!
Thank You Lord that I will not falter or become discouraged until His justice is established in the whole world (and cosmos) (Is. 42:4)
Thank You Lord that I am your special Daughter/Son! Thank you that I am anointed and blessed to be a blessing. I loose the anointing that I've received everywhere I go and people are impacted by Heaven as a result!
Thank you Lord for Provision for my life. Thank you that you are my Daddy and you've got my back and you are sticking up for me in every way. Thank you Lord for my family and I especially thank you that all my relationships are healthy and growing in You!
Thank You Lord that I am able to quickly recognize oppression, discouragement, deception, failure and different forms of lust and I go to the courts many times a day! I am more than a conqueror through him that Loves me! (Rom 8:37) I put on the Lord Jesus Christ and I make no provision for the lusts of the flesh. hallelujah!
Thank you Lord for healing up our hearts and spirits where they have been wounded by deceitful words. (ref. Prov. 15:4)
Thank You Lord that I have self-control in all areas of my life; eating, talking and doing so that my the enemy has no point of entry. (Ref. Prov. 25:28) Thank you Lord that I repent quickly and make amends when I grieve Holy Spirit.
I am God's torch,,, to display His glory and a gale force portion of Him flows through me.
Hallelujah! He's got my back! Thank You Lord that I get what others have given up on because of my persistence! Truly, As for me and my household... we shall serve the Lord! Thank You Lord that my children don't depart from the faith because they were taught the ways of life as children!
Let your peace and encouragement be in my home today. Thank you for Favor for all my children and that you are opening doors they don't know about. Thank you for helping them in every way Holy Spirit. Angels go! Plans of the enemy are confounded right now! Every wrong word is cast down to the ground. Every curse is nullified by the blood of Jesus!
All things are possible WITH GOD!
Thank you for Jim and all the other people I get to know in Heaven. Thank you for the people waiting for me in Edmonton. Thank You for Ian Clayton, Mike Parsons, Justin Abraham and all the other teachers I've had along the way!
Thank You Lord for Heaven on Earth through me. I am your revival vessel! Hallelujah!
Thank you for providing for me and my family this year. Hallelujah!
I break poverty off of my family and I. Also, I decree that I'll never lack another day of my life, Hallelujah! I always have enough to give on every occasion!
Praise the Lord! What men said couldn't happen is going to happen to me!
Thank You Lord that "I'll never be sick another day of my life. Fire, Fire, Fire grow in me, in Jesus' name!"
Thank You Lord for new income streams and witty inventions!
PTL! I can't fail for winning, I can't lose for succeeding. In all things God causes me to triumph!
God is treading down my enemies! Yeah!
I am pursuing intimacy with my Father today!
Thank you Lord that my eyes are open, my ears are open to see and hear more in Your kingdom! Thank You Lord that my heart is engaging heaven many times a day.
Thank You for all my Angels; Breakthrough, No more Delay, Justice, Hills melt like Wax, Glory Bomb, and All the other Angels I work with! Let them get their testimonies today!
So Thank You Lord that we are not quitters! Thank You Lord that I am beautiful, strong,
bright, witty, wise, and a joy to be around. Thank You Lord for making
all our enemies our footstool today. Thank You Lord for the fear of You
in our lives because it leads to wisdom. Thank You Lord for the fruit
of the Spirit in our lives today as we fellowship with You. Thank You
Lord for joy in our journey today. May we always be so grateful for all
You have done for us! Amen!
Ptl! (From Natasha Grbich) "I am seated with Jesus in Heavenly places! I am His trophy! I belong to him Spirit, Soul and Body! I am his living sacrifice! Every cell in me belongs to Him. His Blood has given me eternal life now. I am saved and here to preach the acceptable word of the Lord. That God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to a saving knowledge of his Precious Son!
Through Christ I was with him when he was slain, I was with him at the creation of the world and I'll be with him at the end of the age.
I am going to watch the devil burn in a lake of fire. I am going to see his time end and see him bound in the pit for 1000 years where he will suffer forever. I am free and anything he tries to put on me I say 1000x it's back on him.! Ha! A curse causeless will not come! Because I choose every day to walk in love and to forgive everyone he has no rights! My bloodlines have been cleansed and I'm throwing blood of Jesus bombs out every morning! Hallelujah! Praise the blood of Jesus that gave us such great victories!"
I give God glory by doing what he created me to do! Nothing can stop me! I will not falter or be discouraged until His justice is established in the Whole World and Cosmos!
I am not a quitter! He's causing me to become a greater blessing everywhere I go. Thank you Lord for more ministry opportunities and for courage and boldness to move forward! Thank you Lord also for greater discernment and more counsel... Let the fear of You be upon me always so I don't want to sin. Thank You Lord for a guard on my mouth and that you are setting a watch on my lips. Thank You Lord for constant fellowship with you today.
Amen! Now that's how to start your day, lol!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson
Separating Soul and Spirit
Hi. In talking to our cell group I have found out that really only two of us see in the Kingdom realm. So I'm posting this link because this has really helped me.
It's based on the scripture verse in Hebrews 4:12 "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
I wish I had this revelation a long time ago. I only knew to become a living sacrifice and fast in order to get my spirit man to rule over my bodily passions and my soulish pursuits.
This revelation works! If you will persist, you will get there. Your soul and body will eventually submit to your spirit and then you'll be able to go into Heaven/Kingdom at will.
So the progression is working on...
1.) Dividing soul and spirit so your spirit rules over your soul and body,
2.) Dividing your joints and marrow,,, the very core of your building blocks (taking communion in Heaven really helps with this)
3.) Judging the thoughts and intents of your hear... This was/is a real tender subject for everyone. It gets to the core of why you do and say the things you do.
My advice Listen to this video many, many times because there are layers in it that your soul might not want you to hear.
Have fun! God wants this for you! He's told me over and over again. "Have faith in me!" He'll help us get there. He wants us to discover what's on our scroll! He wants us to have joy in our journey with Him! The only way you can fail is by quitting so lets agree that we are not quitters and that we won't falter or be discouraged until His justice is established in the whole world. Amen? Amen! (ref. Isa 42;4)
Sending big hugs!
Brenda Gale Thompson