Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Setting your rudder

I love sailing ships..  I love how such a small ruder can turn the ship in any direction.

There's a great analogy about the kingdom for us too.   Think of the rudder as our tongue, like the Apostle James said (James 3:4)

If we want to have a great day  we need to first of all control what comes out of our mouths.  That's some huge lessons right there.  Ask Holy Spirit for help.

Second, we need to decree what we want to have happen in our day because our words are life and death.  So lets be decreeing some life stuff. There are lots of good decrees in my blog.  Just search "confession" in the top left header bar to find some of them.

Third, we need to ask Holy Spirit for divine appointments and for help not to miss these appointments to advance the Kingdom of God.

I told a friend that decreeing Psalm 91, 23 and 149 were good ways to protect her day.   They'll help you too!

Also don't forget to throw out blood of Jesus bombs with your name on them to break all curses and witchcraft.   How's that for a picture!  Every time you decree (Isa 54:17) you are doing this!  I like the visual to help me, LOL.   So do this at the start of your day... Set the limits early so the enemy has no room to attack your life.

Pray in tongues much during your day. If you don't have a prayer language yet, keep asking!  I know it took me months to get my first one.   It's worth it!  Keep asking and you'll get it eventually. Be like that widow that kept on asking and wouldn't quit!  (Luke 18:1-8)

Finally, Don't forget to thank and praise the Lord for all the good stuff going on in your life.  The sound of Praise changes our cells! It makes them healthy!  Praise is so, so powerful!  Ask Holy Spirit if I'm telling you the truth!  Ask him to show you the power of Praise!  It breaks off every spirit of heaviness that would try to steal your joy and strength!

On that note I'm going to set my rudder ie. work on my latest decrees and confessions!  Have a great day with the Lord!
Blessings and hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson

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