Monday, October 14, 2013

Horses in Visions and Activation

I just got confirmation of something that's always bugged me.   I enjoy riding my horses as time permits and I was wondering why the horse I have in Heaven (that I see in my spirit) doesn't have a bridle or reins on her.    I told the Lord that I needed a saddle on her so that I wouldn't fall off and he acquiesced to my request.  But no bridle....   That's a scary ride on the earth for sure.

Now I'm hungry for more of God.  I want to be like Brother Lawrence that practised the presence of God all the time and people got so blessed when he would do the dishes in the monastery.  Some of them even collapsed because of the glory shining out from him!

Back to my story... so I'll be walking around in a heavenly realm asking the Lord, "what do you want me to see?" and my horse come up behind me and nudge me on the shoulder.  It's so special when a horse does that.   They want to be with you and that's a big, big compliment!

Anyhow,  yesterday I was listening to Bruce Allen teaching about Translation by Faith on Youtube and he talked about how the horses in heaven  don't have bridles or reins because the bond is love!

That makes perfect sense!   When I get on my horse in heaven, I just think something and we're there.  You can ride around if you want, but if you want to go somewhere fast you can do it in an instant.

If I've lost some of you remember that Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is at hand.  And Paul said that we are seated with Him in Heavenly places.  That means that our spirits are already engaging the realm of Heaven and that we can go there by faith whenever we want. We have access through the blood of Jesus into everything Father God has dreamed/planned for us.

As we determine to be a living sacrifice The Father has made provision for us to be cleaned up and presentable to him. Our job is to offer all of our dreams, ambitions, hopes and desires to him and to be willing to become of no reputation (like Jesus).... Then He will make us fit to do the Master's work.  That's his part.

I'm excited to be used by Father God more and to help more people.  I'm excited to see what he'll show me today.   So in a practical way you can start by putting on the praise  and worship music and repent of any sin that Holy Spirit shows you.  Then when you feel the spirit of worship start to worship and when you feel his presence ask Holy SPirit what he wants to show you.  Close your eyes and look and you'll see the blackness turn into light,,, then gradually pictures.   You can check with Holy Spirit to confirm what you are seeing.  That's a simple way to activate your spiritual vision. The more you practice the easier it gets.  Also, there are other ways to engage the Kingdom on Heaven that I'll explain in another article.
If you want this then please speak this prayer out loud:
Lord Jesus, I want to be yours today.  Please let me be your living sacrifice today.  I give all of myself to you to do with as you choose.   Thank you for opening my eyes and my ears to hear your truth.  Thank You for giving me a teachable heart today and a hunger for your words today.

I command every deaf and dumb spirit and every spirit of unbelief to come off me in the Name of Jesus and cover myself and my family and my home with the blood of Jesus. Every black hood of spiritual blindness come off us now, in Jesus' name!

Thank you Lord for activating me in the things of your Kingdom. Thank You Lord for teaching me how your kingdom operates.  I believe I receive impartation to engage in your Kingdom by faith today. Thank you for dreams and visions of Heaven  today and every day.  Thank You Lord that YOU want this for me, your child.  Amen!

Have a great day with Him!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Hi Brenda, I love horses also. They are such awesome creatures! I really enjoyed your post. I have always believed we could communicate with animals more deeply than we've been led to believe & so being reinless on heavenly mounts makes sense. I like the visual that Avatar gave to us....with the hair & mane entwined, giving the animal & rider a unique closeness to communicate. Or, in the Narnia series, so many of the nobler beasts were also talking animals...don't know what language, but able to commune with us. I look forward to meeting my horse too & to go on riding adventures. I've only been taking lessons as an adult for 7 years, so I'm still very much an amateur but I sooo enjoy the times I get with my instructors horses. Thanks for your post & I look forward to reading more of your adventures.