I got a desperate call today from a friend going through some huge warfare. She has been ministering a lot of deliverance to people and the devil's mad. I am glad for all the people that she is ministering too but I don't like to see a friend beaten down.
I am going to give you the best solution I know for anyone going through warfare. I have tested so many things over the last 25 years as a prophetic intercessor and a street preacher and this works.
You can shout, claim and decree all you want and most times you will break through. But when the going gets tough and the normal stuff is not working, this always works for me.
I ask the Lord for a song to sing to Him. I choose to forget about my problems and I offer up the sacrifice of praise.(Hebrews 13:15) The first song that comes to my mind I sing to Him. Only for Him, with no instruments or music. Usually by the second or third song I am marching, clapping or dancing around my kitchen. If there is any situation that comes to mind that needs cleansing, I repent, plead the blood of Jesus over me and KEEP SINGING!
By the fifth song, I am usually singing a new song that the Lord gives to me.
If it's not a prophetic song then He will gives me a prophetic word, a knowing of what to do or say, or sometimes He wants to waltz for a bit. He leads and I follow. When He says stop--I stop. When He says write-- I write. When He asks me what do I see, I tell him what I am seeing in the Spirit and He helps me clarify the vision.
There are times when it takes me 5 songs to breakthrough and times it takes me 20 songs to breakthrough, depending on the day etc. However, I have to emphasize that when the devil knows I won't quit--I ALWAYS Breakthrough... always. It will be the same for you.
When God's manifest presence shows up the enemy disappears. LOL! Sometimes God shows up like a heavy, comforting blanket, sometimes He's the mighty warrior, sometimes He's the all knowing seer who has read your mail and still loves you. I love all the different ways He comes.
Why does Praise always work? Because God won't let us out give Him. He is the greatest giver of them all, bar none!
Also, He is always seeking worshipers who are worshiping Him in Spirit and in truth. (John 4:23) As you sing the song Holy Spirit prompts you with, you are blessing Him, acknowledging His greatness and your need of Him. No good Daddy can resist the gift of His child, how much less Father God?
In addition, when we praise Him, we are not saying that the problem does not exist, we are just going for the quickest solution available. Nobody messes with our Dad!
In conclusion, I exhort you to give this praise idea a try. Ask the Lord for a song to sing to Him. You do not have to be a singer to do this. God has amazing ears. It's like He doesn't hear the mistakes. I'm all choked up and hoarse and He's loving it. Go figure!
So, how about we pray for a minute? I want to bless you.
"Lord I ask that you would bless the precious person reading this article. And I ask that You would protect their times with You Lord. May they be so rich and fulfilling that they never forget them. Show them how to get breakthroughs even greater than I have gotten. Show them how to live in Your manifest presence, day by day. In Jesus' name I ask. Amen."
You are blessed and Highly favored by the greatest King of all!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson
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