Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Hi there.  I want to share about something the Lord has been challenging me on.  In Ephesians 3:20 we read that God has promised "to do exceedingly, abundantly above and beyond all that we can think, dream or imagine" so I have been asking the Lord for new ideas and witty solutions for my family. Then as my faith and confidence grow, I want to believe for bigger ideas and solutions for my town and area.

The first solution I got was for a problem we have around here with hanging up laundry.  Don't laugh, it can be quite a headache because my hubby hates when we use the clothes dryer.  I have close lines strung across my living room, dining room and exercise room as I speak and I still run out of space to hang up all the socks and underwear that five of us can accumulate.

I was thinking to myself as I was hanging up clothes that I would have to buy one of those racks that you can hang clothes on and I thought, "Ask the Lord."

He caused me to look at the wooden baby gate we have installed in one room and it 'dawned' on me that if I stretched out that baby gate, it would look just like a rack.  I stretched out that gate and put some socks and underwear on it and was tickled pink at how well it worked.

I told the kids about it when they came home and they thought it was an improvement and my hubby thought it was a great idea since I wouldn't be using the dryer.  We have wood heat so the clothes dry quickly.

The second new innovation I got was a neat twist on a recipe.  I froze many bags of peeled, sliced and diced apples when they were coming off the trees this summer. The only problem is that they are very wet when thawed and don't work well in a lot of the recipes that call for diced apples.  So I asked the Lord what recipe would work tonight to use up these apples.

I 'happened' to notice a pineapple cake recipe in my recipe box that my kids love.  I was thinking this is such a great recipe and then it occurred to me that I might be able to use some lemon juice to increase the accidity of the apples to get the recipe to work.  Well, a little here and a little there while I am asking Holy Spirit questions and I got the recipe in the oven.   The recipe turned out so well that my gang  all commented on how good it was. Praise the Lord!

It is amazing how much the Lord wants to be involved in our lives.  He cares about all the details we care about.  I sure am encouraged to ask Him more questions.  I hope you are too.

Lord help the person reading this to hear and trust Your voice more clearly today. May they have Joy in their journey and peace when they lie down tonight, in Jesus' name! Amen.

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