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Hi Saints. Something unusual happened last night during the ministry time at our Friday night healing service so I thought I would attempt to share what happened.
I was sitting between two ladies in the front row of the church sharing some destiny words that the Lord had given me when one lady noticed that a leader was waving me over to come help him.
I excused myself and went over to help him and he told me to put my hand on the lady's lower back. I started to pray for her and got the giggles almost immediately because she wasn't receiving the anointing we were 'pulling in' for her. (Hang on, I will explain.)
I told this leader that there was a blockage and asked the Lord what to do and He told me "thankfulness". I didn't get the opportunity to talk to her as the other fellow was talking. We weren't getting very far as this blockage had her cut off from Heaven's flow.
The leader eventually left and I still had my hand on her back. Another man was praying for her and the Lord gave me a detailed word for him. He was so excited that it affected the lady, who I think was his wife. She turned to face me and I was able to give her a word of knowledge from God's heart and I could see it softening her heart. I then felt the Lord prompt me to share about choosing to be thankful.
I shared by way of example, "Thank You Lord that my feet don't hurt. Thank You Lord that my head doesn't hurt. Thank You Lord that I have shoes to wear. Thank You Lord for my wonderful husband and my beautiful children. Thank You Lord that I have a bed to sleep in."
As I was sharing this, God's presence showed up and her back got mightily touched and she started to move it around, from side to side and started talking really fast in an Asian language. She was so excited!
I explained to her how the Lord inhabits the praises of his people and that we enter His presence with thanksgiving and praise". (Psalm 16:11, Psalm 100:4) The Lord's presence backed off a bit while I shared this, so I started giving thanks again and a thick, tingly weight of God's glory came down on the three of us.
Talk about the Lord confirming the word that was spoken! I was rejoicing last night because some times I have shared the word and not felt His presence confirming it with signs and wonders.
These are new days. I was so encouraged to keep going. I asked the Lord to help me share with boldness outside of church again and He told me that if I would stay in thankfulness and praise that the anointing would flow wherever I was. Hallelujah! Now, we know that the Lord is 'no respecter of persons', so what He has told me will apply to your life too. (ref. Acts. 10:34) Therefore, I exhort to stay thankful and claim that His anointing flows through you every day.
Now go and expect Him to do mighty things through you! Bless you as you pursue Him for more in your life!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale
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