Sunday, May 8, 2011

Be the Change You Want to See

I didn't know what to call this post and it came to me.   Be the Change you want to see.   In North America we have the habit of letting the pastor and a few people carry most of the responsibility  of the Kingdom advancing.   This should not be so.  We all have gifts that we can contribute to the body for the greater good.

On that note I have asked the Lord to let me be a fool for Him if it means that He can use me more.   We are in an upside down Kingdom where the way down is the way up.  "He who wants to be great must be the servant of all". (ref. Mark 9:35)   God chose and still chooses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and the weak things to shame the strong. (ref. 1Cor. 1:27) That means that we all qualify to be used in God's kingdom.

How that looks can be completely different than anything you have done previously. All I can say is, be open to new ideas and new ways of doing things.  Let me share a neat example with you.

A few weeks ago we were having a Friday night service and a few of the regular intercessors were missing.  The music had started and as I walked in late I said to a friend, "I guess I'm going to make a fool of myself."  I was surprised at what I blurted out and was thinking about it as I made my way to the front.  (Our church opens up the alter area for passionate worshipers so they can intercede and worship and break through for the whole congregation. I wish all churches did this!)

The music was great, but we weren't going anywhere in the spirit so I asked Holy Spirit what to do.  He said, "Dance."

"Right." I thought and I didn't, because I didn't have the foggiest idea of how to start. I was holding a flag and waving it around a bit, but that's a far cry from dancing.

Well, the next song started and we still weren't going anywhere.  The Heavens felt like brass so I asked Holy Spirit what was up and He said again, "Dance!"

I thought to myself, "Okay but You have to show me how."  I took one step to my right and all of a sudden I was waltzing around the front.  The people moved out of the way and I was holding/waving my flag and singing a beautiful harmony in tongues. But the most important thing was that I felt a 'boom' in the Spirit as the Heavens opened up.  Breakthrough!  That's what I was longing for.  Then the tears were streaming down my face and I was whirling around, dancing with my Lover and I couldn't care less what the people were thinking.  It was just me and Jesus and Holy Spirit was teaching me how to move and flow in the Spirit. I felt like I was dancing on air.

The rest of the service was good, but nothing can compare to the joy that Holy Spirit gives when He's happy with you.  When He says, "Thank you!"  every fiber of your being knows it!

So let me encourage you to be a fool for the Lord.  Be the change you want to see.  It shouldn't be just at conferences,  that you see spiritually hungry Christians.  I have asked the Lord to keep me hungry!

It always pays to obey Holy Spirit's promptings, even when they don't make sense to your natural mind.  As we honor Holy Spirit by obeying Him, He helps us to bless the Father's heart.  Since we can never out give Father God, He responds by pouring out more healing, more glory, more deliverance in waves and the whole crowd gets touched around us too.

That's Heaven on Earth folks.  That's what I have experienced when I've been in the Spirit.  There is so much love in Heaven and all the people use what they've got to help and bless others.  There is no fear of loss there because Father gives us more and more of whatever we have been giving out.

I want Heaven here too.  I really think that if some of us keep pressing in, we are going to open up an even bigger oasis of Heaven on Earth and the glory waves will flow out and touch our nation and the nations of the world.

Let Your Kingdom come more Lord Jesus and May Your will, not ours get done today in our lives, in Jesus' name we ask. Amen!

I Bless you as you go!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's true Brenda, everything you posted we do have to just let the Holy Spirit take us where we are to go and obey no matter how foolish it may appear to others.
He is our Lord and Savior and how would we ever be able to stay on any path leading His direction without the guidance of Holy Spirit. So as we dance and sing and rejoyce in Him all problems seem to fade away and a burden is lifted. God bless you girl..

Love in Him .. always agape