Sunday, July 22, 2012


I think all of North America is in shock following the mass murder of so many people in a movie theater in Colorado.  How can this happen?   What would cause someone to do such a thing?  Now the police are having a hard time getting into this fellow's apartment!   
Link for news article

Easy.... deception.  One little thought that goes unchecked, fed by another thought that goes unchecked and before long the person has believed a lie.

The next step is when they start treating people as if the lie they have believed is truth.  Really, they are viewing people through 'rose-colored glasses" and are not able to distinguish truth from the fiction they have believed.  At this point it's easy for the enemy to add other lies to the initial one.

This is the trap that introverts can easily fall in to.  Because they like to be alone and think, they don't get the feedback that will keep those questionable ideas in check.  Also,  because they are the silent ones, they don't often reach out for help, so you can be living with somebody and not really know that they need counseling.

We can see this behavior in Christians too.  When we don't stay in contact with others we can easily fall into deception.   That's why it's so important that we stay in touch with people who will pray for us when they see danger signs and even disagree with us in conversation-- if warranted.   Iron sharpens iron and it keeps us from getting dull too. We need to stay sharp to the enemy's schemes. Amen?

Pride will cause some people to think that they don't need peers, or that friends will not understand their ideas and opinions.  Emergency alarms should be going off if you see someone who thinks he is better than everyone else.  He or she is headed for a fall.

It's very sad to see something like this happen. We need the Lord's eyes and ears to see the lonely ones and hear what the people are 'not' saying.  Even more importantly, we need the Lord's heart so that we will care enough to keep calling forth the plan of God in these individuals. 

Let's pray: "Lord please help all the hurting people. Let your love flow and let your mercy and grace touch each and everyone of them. Bring healing and help to all those affected, in Jesus' name.  Here am I Lord.  Use  me to help  others today. Amen!"

Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson

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