Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I am Willing to be Willing

Hi there.  I was busy this morning uploading video clips onto "Kinburnrevival7" and doing laundry when I got the song, "Be still and know..."

Okay,  time to sit down for a bit before I run to the store and get a birthday cake, card and supper fixings.  I sat down and asked the Lord where to open my Bible and I got Haggai 2.    The Verse, "The silver is mine and the gold is mine." stood out to me and I thought about it.

I'm so willing to work to bring dreams to pass.  I love sowing seed into other people's lives.  But am I willing to wait on Him if that's what He asks?  That's a tougher request.  We can get so busy doing so many good things, yet we have nothing if we don't spend time with him first.  Like the Bible says, "Apart from me you can do nothing."(John. 15:5)

I am feeling the nudge to get a good camera so I can capture Healing videotape clips on the streets etc. and post them onto youtube.   I also want to get a back up computer so that it won't be so crazy next summer at Logos Land.  But you know what?  God knows all about it.  He knows about the bills better than we do.

So I started waiting on Him and the tears started falling.  All I could say was that, "I am willing to be willing!"  He hears and he answers!  My heart might not know why I am making excuses but I am willing to change.

Five minutes later, my daughter called and offered to get the cake and stuff for me because she's going into town anyhow.  Isn't that amazing?  Now I have a whole 2 hours just to sit at his feet and make spaghetti sauce.  I am laughing as I write this.  Who do I think I'm fooling?   Holy Spirit is so good to us.  He'll help me spend the next couple of hours in the word, waiting on Him and yes the spaghetti sauce will get made too.  Amazing God!

Have a great day as you determine to be willing to sit at his feet and listen.
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson

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