Friday, June 23, 2017

Home Ambiance....

I guess I didn't get it.   I've had so many people tell me over the years that my home was very peaceful and that they could feel the presence of God in my home.    I only saw the mistakes, the harsh words etc.   I have been learning to put on new see things from Heaven's perspective and to get my attitude in line with Praise.   What a difference!

I realize now that because I was the stronger Christian I did have a great influence on my home. 
I was reading James again the other night and these verses were brought to my attention.

James 3:16 says, "Where there is jealousy and selfishness there is also disorder and every kind of evil."  Wow!  That's a huge warning! Is it any wonder that some homes have no peace in them?  If the mother or father is operating out of jealousy or selfishness then every other kind of evil is allowed in that home!  That is not what I want in my home! 

James, 3:17 says, " But wisdom from above is Pure, first of all; it is also peaceful, gentle and friendly, it is full of Compassion and produces a harvest of good deeds; It is free from prejudice (pre-judging) and hypocrisy (say one thing but do another)"

That verse is a mouthful but the other night God highlighted the peaceful part.   See,  you can't give what you don't have.   If you are operating out of jealousy then all kinds of evil and strife are allowed in your home.  Conversely, if you operate with Heaven's wisdom, by following Holy Spirit's leading and renewing your mind... then you will fill your home with peace, gentleness and friendliness.   Who wouldn't want that in their home?   It gets better!  Who doesn't want a harvest of good deeds in their family and home?  Who doesn't want appreciation and team spirit in their home?    I know I do!

So the onus is on us.  As we treasure every nudge from Holy Spirit, as we crave wisdom from His word, we are aligning ourselves with Heaven and we get the fruit of it now; peace, love, compassion, gentleness, friendliness, camaraderie and no hypocrisy.

Friends  this works..... I now have a bigger clue as to why people come to my place and say it's peaceful, why they can relax,,, why they feel it's like an oasis.   It is!  Holy Spirit  and all the angels know they are welcome here,  and they bring Heaven with them!

When you claim Heaven on earth through you.... Holy Spirit will honor that and help you deal with your stuff  so you can have heaven around you and your home. 

It is so worth the journey!  Be encouraged.  He who began a good work in you will finish it! (Phil. 1:6)

Big hugs and blessings,
Brenda Gale Thompson

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