Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Loving Someone....

Loving someone is a very complex deal....  There are times when we get caught in a bad relationship because we don't either recognize it, we feed it with  our own expectations  or we feel trapped and unable to change the situation.

I know.   Eventually you get to the point where you realize that this person is not good for your emotional health.. You've tried to change them and it hasn't worked.  You've tried to put on a thicker skin and parts of you are dying inside from all the toxic words.

When I cried out to God for help to try to heal... God eventually moved me out of the situation after I said I'd rather be alone the rest of my life than to live like this.  Of course there were other changes that had to be made in preparation of moving but I started the ball rolling. Yeah it was tough!    We tend to become co-dependent... and we're so used to the behavior that we can even make excuses for it.

I was very lonely,,, but it was the best thing that could have happened to me!  God had me learn a bunch of positive, Bible based confessions that helped me change my expectations.  So important because if you don't change your expectations you'll reward the wrong behavior!

With God we can do All Things. (Phil 4:13) He means it.   If I did it, you can do it.   You are stronger than you know!

As you change your self talk, you change your habits, which changes your walk, which changes your destiny!  IT really does work! 

Here's some of the confessions I used when I was recovering from a 20+ year marriage breakup.    Looking back I realize now that it was the best thing that could have happened to me.  Please feel free to use  the ones that help you!


Sending big hugs and blessings,
Brenda Gale Thompson

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