Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Favorite Verse... Hebrews 12:1

Hebrews 12:1, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."

This is one of my favorite verses. I can get lost in thinking about the great cloud of witnesses. Are they angels, or people, or both? How many are around me today, Lord? Does the number change from day to day? What are they saying right now? What would they tell me, if they could?

Then I move on to the second part of the verse. What have I got to throw off today, Holy Spirit? Some days, it's hurtful words from the past, that the enemy is trying to use to keep me from moving forward. Sometimes habitual sin, that I am struggling with is the problem. Other times it's the "accuser", coming at me through circumstances, or someone who doesn't have their mouth under Holy Spirit's control. My choices are very important and I cannot get involved in offense or unforgiveness and call myself a good soldier. (2Titus 2:4)

The next part of that verse leads me to ask, "What sin is entangling me today? Unforgiveness, offense, bitterness, or habitual sin are the usual culprits. Bad eating habits have been highlighted to me, to work on by the Lord... not people. There's a big difference when Holy Spirit says, "Sweetheart, it's time to change this." I can take His correction much better than peoples comments. I am determined to get to the point where Holy Spirit is 100% in control of my food intake. I will not quit! I have come so far, baby step by baby step. Gluttony will not master me, because I want to prosper and the bible says that a "drunkard and glutton tend to poverty." (Proverbs 23:21) Sobering eh? If I want to prosper, I can't keep making excuses to overeat. Holy Spirit is not fooled for one second.

The final part of that verse is something I have been working on for a while. Perseverance is available to me as I ask for it. I have asked Holy Spirit to help me run my race with great perseverance. He is so amazing. I have also asked Him for joy along the way, because the dream He gave me to pray about, is a long term project... LOL. The verse that the Lord gave me to tie in with this part, was Isaiah 42:4, "I will not falter or be discouraged until Your justice is established in the whole world." So you see, I can't quit. I have decreed this verse over myself so many times, it's a part of me. Hallelujah!

As I run my race, I want to remember that there is supernatural power in the Word of God, power to bring "itself" to pass in my life so I can live the "divine life" here and now. (2Peter 1:3-4) The Word of God is supernatural seed and I love getting nuggets from the Word and applying them to my life. (Isaiah 55:11) To God be all the glory. Great things He has done!

What God has done for me, He can do for you.

Excuse me, I have got to keep running...

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