Monday, March 16, 2009

I Missed a Breakthrough

I was in Rochester, New York on the weekend. We had a great time getting some great teaching and making connections. After the course finished we went for a drive and ended up at Wendy's for a bite to eat, before heading back home.

Right outside the door was a homeless man, sitting on the ground with his back leaning against the garbage can. I walked by him into the Wendy's praying about what to do. It was bothering me that he was out there. At that point, I was fighting fear, so I ordered my salad and kept praying.

I waited for my friends to get to the table and asked my friend if I could borrow ten American dollars because I was out of American money. "No problem," she said and we proceeded to eat our lunch. As it turned out, she forgot to give me the ten dollars and I forgot to ask her again for it.

We talked a bit after lunch, then left. I didn't see the man on the way out. I didn't think about it till we had left the parking lot and I remembered that I had forgotten to get him a meal. My friend was driving away so I prayed out loud, "Lord send someone else."

I missed a great opportunity. You see, that was a love test and I chose to be comfortable rather than to risk upsetting my friends or embarrassing myself. I used to be really good at talking to homeless people. In Winnipeg, where I grew up, they used to come talk to me all the time. Sometimes they just wanted to talk. Sometimes they pan handled and I would ask Holy Spirit what to do. He always protected me.

You know Holy Spirit always rewards those who will love the least of them. He is always searching for His lost sheep. (Matthew 18:11-13) Sad eh? This man could have been an angel for all I know. It has happened before. The Bible says, "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels." (Hebrews 13:2)

I could make excuses for myself, but I know the truth. All I had to do was treat him like a human being and ask him if he was hungry. It's not rocket science. Then I could ask him what he would like and order it while he goes to wash up. For me washing is important and if he gives me trouble about it, I would joke with him saying, "Don't you want to look your best eating lunch with a pretty lady like me?"

That's how easy it is. $7.00 can keep a homeless man going for another day. The Bible says, "He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD, And He will pay back what he has given." (Proverbs 19:17) If you are bold you can tell him about Jesus and His power that can set him free from addictions and save him from hell. If that is overwhelming, then give him a tract and let him eat by himself. He'll be glad for a good meal.

Here I have been asking the Lord for the spark I need to get this revival bonfire going in the valley and this man was the situation I needed. You see I have learned from experience that outrageous love leads to outrageous breakthroughs.

So you can understand why I am asking the Lord for another chance. If you dare, you can pray this with me; Lord have mercy on me, and help me get back to where I used to be -- totally, outrageously in love with You. I'm too comfortable these days, too apathetic. I want to be Your hands and feet in this dying world, really I do. So help me Lord to be more like You. Amen.

Bless you as you go love on purpose, in His name!

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