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West Carleton Christian Assembly |
I remember I stepped into a church once and enjoyed the worship, but then I felt the condemnation again and I left before the message started. I realized many years later that there was a spirit tormenting me at that time.
I am so glad to be in a church that is hungry for God. There is something about the corporate anointing that causes us to reach greater heights then we ever could individually. We are all one body, one team and we need each other.
Therefore I want to encourage you to get involved with a church body. They need the anointing and gifts you bring and you need them. It is worth the bus ride or car ride to go to a church that's hungry for more of God. When I couldn't find one like that I still went to church, but I went to pour into others and hopefully ignite some passion in them.
You might not think you need to go to church, but there are no lone rangers in the body of Christ. The bible says that the devil is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. (1Pet. 5:8) Lone sheep, that are far away from the flock, are easy targets for him. Do not sign up to be his next meal.
If you are hurt and not attending a church or bible study ask the Lord to bring other Christians around you that will help you and look for small steps you can take to stay in fellowship. Iron sharpens iron after all. Keep forgiving and blessing those that have hurt you. This will prevent a root of bitterness from wrecking your life and will make the devil mad. Also, you will be able to minister to others out of the well of experience you have gained. I have a good article about bitterness you might want to read. //greatcommissionhow2s.blogspot.com/2010/02/bitterness.html
Have a great weekend with Him. I am going to the healing, miracle, seeking God service tonight at our church. We have people from all over the valley and Ottawa coming to get touched by God. I'm on the ministry team and I love it.
I declare that, "You are accepted in the beloved, blessed and highly favored and destined to rule and reign over every part of your life. Go with God!" Amen.
Love and hugs,
Brenda Gale
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