I was at the garage minding my own business when another driver asked about spiritual stuff. I mentioned a few things I had seen and another fellow joined the conversation and said that I was full of demons. Bad thing to say to this lady!
I asked him how he knew that? He replied that "Healing has passed away and that if I was seeing demons on people then I was demonized." I was stunned! How could you ever think that? That's ignorance gone to seed!
So the first thing I told him was that Healing was in the Old Testament and the new Testament and that the disciples were commanded to go heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons and cleanse the lepers in Matthew 10:8, long before Holy Spirit was given. (ref. Isa. 53:5, 1Pet.2:24)
As for being demonized I doubt it as "a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand." Jesus's own words!(Matt. 12:25)
Also, I explained to him how I saw stuff (occasionally) before I got saved but it was always demonic and it freaked me out. I didn't want to see! Fast forward to me becoming a Christian and getting filled with Holy Spirit inside of me and its a brand new world! Holy Spirit has helped me to see more stuff and guided me into greater truths so I can help more people.
In addition, it's a fact that some psychics can see, just like seer gifted Christians can see in the spirit realm... The BIG difference is your source. Is God guiding you or satan/lucifer/familiar spirit guiding you? That's the right question to ask!
So unfortunately this supposed Christian has believed a lot of junk and not read his Bible. Like so many others with a religious spirit he has become totally ineffective at advancing the kingdom of God. Imagine he wouldn't even vote! Completely giving up on his right to influence society in a Godly way.
The icing on the cake was that he kept asking me who the first angel was... Like who cares? What are you doing with your life to make a difference for God? That's what really matters!
I was so not impressed with this fellow! I told him, "Right...you sit here, in your little bubble waiting for the rapture and you are totally ineffective at advancing the Kingdom of God." He got really upset at that. So I asked him, When was the last time you prayed for somebody and they got healed? When was the last time you introduced someone to Jesus. When was the last time you prayed and demons fled?
The poor fellow that listened to us didn't know what to think! When I told him about certain people not being allowed on my bus because of the demons in them he really got interested. Then I told him about the lady that found me after 3 or 4 weeks and she was so excited because her husband had finally been properly diagnosed after I prayed and was out of the hospital feeling so much better.
So I know which bus the listening fellow wants to be on! LOL.... As for the other guy.... what a waste.
Life is too short. I want to make a difference every day for the Lord. Like I've said before my usual prayer is, "Lord here I am. Please use me today!"
Anyhow... Thanks for reading... I needed to vent a bit, LOL. May you have courage to pray that kind of prayer and follow Holy Spirit's nudges... It's definitely a life worth living!
Big hugs and blessings,
Brenda Gale Thompson
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