In the book of Amos the Lord asks the prophet,"What do you see?" (Amos 7:8) Can you imagine how exciting it would be for Holy Spirit to ask us, "What do you see?"
This same question occurs in the book of Jeremiah three times. It also occurs in the book of Zechariah twice and again in Amos 8:2. That's seven times we read the Lord asking His man, "What do you see?" Since the Lord does not change (Mal 3:6) we can assume that the Lord is asking some people today, "What do you see?" So if God asked you,"What do you see?" what would you do?
For me, I want to be able to see more, so I have been developing my faith in the assurance that God does want to talk to me. I didn't know how to do this, when I began, so I started asking Holy Spirit what to do. I have to go by the Word... that is my safety. If it's God, He will lead me by His Word.
Since we are saved, we have the mind of Christ (1Cor 2:16) and as we study and meditate on the word, we get revelation of it. Also, the Lord promises that we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. (Rom 12:1-2) We must believe we receive by faith... just like we got saved by faith. (Rom 10:9-10) We read the Word and because we know that God can't lie, we take Him at His Word, act on it and it comes to pass in our life.
Our imaginations are part of our mind, so as we submit all of ourselves to the Lord and His Word, our imaginations become sanctified and able to receive from the Lord. We are already seated with Him in heavenly places so we have "something" of heaven inside us right now. (Eph 2:8) It's believing that the Lord wants to talk to us. We have not been given a spirit again to fear but of adoption.(Rom 8:15) Any Father wants to talk to his children. Therefore, we can believe and have confidence that our Heavenly Father wants to talk to us by Holy Spirit.
My girlfriend sees visions regularly and she has learned to ask the Lord, "Is this You, Lord, or is it me?" I'm more auditory in nature. I get words first. When the Lord first asked me, "What do you see?" it was to give me confidence that I was hearing correctly.
I did not start to get visions regularly, untill I made time to worship and be still in a quiet place. There are so many distractions in life and any new skill takes effort to develop. Quiet time has helped me get into position, in order to better receive from the Lord. It has been worth every minute I have set aside for Him.
Ask Holy Spirit to show you something of Heaven, the next time you are in worship. He is your guide to Heaven and heavenly things. When I ask Holy Spirit to show me something, He always comes through. I cannot begin to share the blessing it has been to me and others. One little vision, a simple picture shared... and His presence comes in like a flood and people get healed and set free. So much blessing... I could never tell the depths of His love and care.
Lord, I ask that you would bless the person reading this. Precious Holy Spirit, show them how to walk with You in heavenly places, while walking on the earth. Give them visions in line with their calling and destiny in You and may they be changed from glory to glory as they behold You. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
This same question occurs in the book of Jeremiah three times. It also occurs in the book of Zechariah twice and again in Amos 8:2. That's seven times we read the Lord asking His man, "What do you see?" Since the Lord does not change (Mal 3:6) we can assume that the Lord is asking some people today, "What do you see?" So if God asked you,"What do you see?" what would you do?
For me, I want to be able to see more, so I have been developing my faith in the assurance that God does want to talk to me. I didn't know how to do this, when I began, so I started asking Holy Spirit what to do. I have to go by the Word... that is my safety. If it's God, He will lead me by His Word.
Since we are saved, we have the mind of Christ (1Cor 2:16) and as we study and meditate on the word, we get revelation of it. Also, the Lord promises that we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. (Rom 12:1-2) We must believe we receive by faith... just like we got saved by faith. (Rom 10:9-10) We read the Word and because we know that God can't lie, we take Him at His Word, act on it and it comes to pass in our life.
Our imaginations are part of our mind, so as we submit all of ourselves to the Lord and His Word, our imaginations become sanctified and able to receive from the Lord. We are already seated with Him in heavenly places so we have "something" of heaven inside us right now. (Eph 2:8) It's believing that the Lord wants to talk to us. We have not been given a spirit again to fear but of adoption.(Rom 8:15) Any Father wants to talk to his children. Therefore, we can believe and have confidence that our Heavenly Father wants to talk to us by Holy Spirit.
My girlfriend sees visions regularly and she has learned to ask the Lord, "Is this You, Lord, or is it me?" I'm more auditory in nature. I get words first. When the Lord first asked me, "What do you see?" it was to give me confidence that I was hearing correctly.
I did not start to get visions regularly, untill I made time to worship and be still in a quiet place. There are so many distractions in life and any new skill takes effort to develop. Quiet time has helped me get into position, in order to better receive from the Lord. It has been worth every minute I have set aside for Him.
Ask Holy Spirit to show you something of Heaven, the next time you are in worship. He is your guide to Heaven and heavenly things. When I ask Holy Spirit to show me something, He always comes through. I cannot begin to share the blessing it has been to me and others. One little vision, a simple picture shared... and His presence comes in like a flood and people get healed and set free. So much blessing... I could never tell the depths of His love and care.
Lord, I ask that you would bless the person reading this. Precious Holy Spirit, show them how to walk with You in heavenly places, while walking on the earth. Give them visions in line with their calling and destiny in You and may they be changed from glory to glory as they behold You. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
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