Monday, February 27, 2012

Confessions of a Street Preacher

I  realize now that I was a lousy street preacher.  I would get out to Sparks Street and set up my signs and everything and then, when I would want to start preaching, such love would fill me that all I could do was tell the people how much God loved them. I quit counting how many times I sang "Amazing Grace" and "Jesus Loves You" to the lunch crowds.

I got into trouble with the organization I was with because I couldn't stay on topic.  I had a hard time with some of their material. After preaching the same sermon a few times I would get bored and the needs of the people would cause me to preach what they needed to hear.  The decisions they were facing, the word of healing for a diseased body part, the encouragement they needed to get through another day. As I asked Holy Spirit what to say he would give me stuff to help them.

Funny enough, the religious folks were never happy no matter what I preached or shared.  Everybody got mad when I told them that Jesus was the way, the truth and the life.  The new age people got really mad when I would give out destiny words for free. 

Yet, I never felt more alive than when I was out there.  If I could only preach what God wants me to preach and not have to worry about what others want or think, I think that would be pretty close to heaven on earth.

Yes there was tons of warfare. I saw many desert me because they misunderstood the warfare and got offended.  I saw many freak accidents around our farm as the warfare intensified..... the more people I was impacting the more exciting it got.  The devil tried.... but he didn't succeed. A few intercessors have stood by me faithfully and I got some valuable training.

I think I need a name change.... I am not a street preacher the way most people think of one. I am a ______  Preacher who loves to tell people that God loves them with an everlasting love and then demonstrate that love.

"Lord I ask that you would bless my precious friend. May they know your great love that won't leave them alone and may they hear your awesome voice today in new ways. Amen!"

Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson

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