First thing in the morning... last thing at night. |
Some things I have learned along the way are to keep going to my daily devotionals. I have two from KCM, Faith to Faith and Pursuit of his Presence. There have been others along the way but those two have gone the distance.
I also have had books along the way to help me speak the right things over my life and to help me turn my belief system around. My book shelf is full of encouraging, faith-filled books.
I keep a daily journal where I write down the things God tells me during the day and the songs I have been singing. At the back I write down all the scripture decrees he has showed me for quick reference so I can go over them every day and make them part of my life. Many of the 'confessions' in this blog are from the back of my journals!
I talk to the Lord like he's right beside me and I listen for his answers. I try to make time to check in with him many times a day. He doesn't mind me being a question box as long as I listen for his response. The Psalmist sang, "Evening and morning and at noon will I utter my complaint and moan and sigh, and He will hear my voice." (Ps. 55:17) I am not saying you always have to complain but it shows how interested God is in hearing us!
I try to live by the verse which says, "Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts." (Col. 3:16 NLT) I try to sing in tongues or English most of the day.
Daily bible reading is a big help. If the Bible is 'dry' I will look up the reference scriptures that the daily devotionals suggest, or look up the scriptures that I heard from the last meeting. Sometimes I ask Holy Spirit if there's somewhere he wants me to go to answer a question I have had. Many times I just ask Holy Spirit to give me a greater love for his word. He's faithful to answer if we ask.
I keep a very short account with God. I literally will not go to bed if I know that I have offended or hurt someone. I go humble myself and ask forgiveness.... especially to my children and husband. There have been times when they were in the wrong and still Holy Spirit would ask me to go humble myself and just offer forgiveness. Blessed are the peacemakers!
These are just a few of the ways that I have kept the fire burning hot over the last thirty years. If I can do it, you can do it because God is no respecter of persons! (ref. Acts. 10:34)
Have a great day with him! I bless you with the courage to do what Holy Spirit is asking you to do. The joy he gives makes any sacrifice worth while. There is nothing like it this side of Heaven!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson
'beloved4evr' on youtube