Is. 46:10. "I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come.
I say, ‘My purpose will stand and I will do all that I please."
He knows the end from the beginning. Hallelujah! All my days were written in His book.
God hid our destiny in the core of our being. We are already on the road. We might just need to find the road marks. Visions, dreams and prophetic words will confirm what Holy Spirit shows us in our daily seeking times.
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Be God aware, not self aware.
Being God aware helps us to recognize all the miracles that are happening in our lives from day to day. Face up with a miracle. Believe that they happen. A meaningful coincidence is a little miracle.
Being thankful guards us against complaining... which keeps God's blessings flowing. The quickest way to stop God's blessing is to be ungrateful.
So step out and trust God that he's able to steer you. He's already programmed you. He knows all the divine connections you need to make. As you stay in a praising, thankful attitude you can be guarenteed to make all the right connections along the way. No moments wasted. What a concept!
Have a great day with Holy Spirit!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson
Ps If this article has blessed you please share!
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