Saturday, May 25, 2013

Pentecost Today

This first was published in Come to the Table, a Facebook Group, May 24, 2013

Pentecost Today
Scripture Reading:  Acts 1:1-15, 2:1-21

When I think about Pentecost I think about what happened at the end.  What an explosive way to start a church!  As I'm sure you remember, Holy Spirit came down on everyone in the room like a huge wind and flames of fire appeared on people's heads.  People were baptized with Holy Spirit and started speaking in different languages as Holy Spirit led.  It was an amazing time.

What I tend to forget is all the stuff that happened while they were waiting.  Can you imagine 500 people waiting in a crowded room or building for God to show up?  Just the logistics boggle my mind!  I'm sure some people got turned off by the renovations that were always 'half-way done' and left.  I'm sure there were people who got tired of waiting and felt that they should be doing this or they could be doing that... and walked away.

I am also certain that in those cramped quarters people got upset with the leadership. After all,  look who the leaders were!  None other than, Peter, James and John-- the greatest deserters of all!  God surely couldn't use them after all they had done.

In those hot, stinky conditions who could pray for any length of time anyhow?  And look at brother so and so.  He's always hogging the speaker's place and trying to impress everyone.  Don't they know who he is?

Is it any wonder that the 500 people who saw Jesus after his resurrection whittled down to 120 within those 40 days?

I can see the same thing happening today.  I have talked to people from different churches across Ottawa and the valley and everybody knows that something is about to break, but we don't know what.   People are leaving churches, disengaging from churches or plain, not going to church.

Some are getting tired of leadership.  Others are getting tired of renovations.  There's a great uneasiness or dissatisfaction in the body-- almost like itchy feet.   We know something is up but we can't put our on thumbs on it.

So, I want to encourage you that you are not alone if any of this stuff has crossed your mind.  We are on the edge of a great, great move of God.

Holy Spirit woke me up last Sunday with these words, "I'm going to do something no one has dreamed of." (ref. 1Cor. 2:9)  I believe Him.  I've never, in all my 30+ years as a Christian, seen the body of Christ so uneasy.

The key I believe is to not lose our focus.  As we keep the big picture (the Kingdom advancing) the big thing in our lives God will sort out all the other stuff; renovations, leadership, volunteers, families, our lives and our dreams.

Did you know that Holy Spirit doesn't get upset with renovations?  He doesn't even get upset with leadership!  He's not remotely upset with your family members either.  I can see that I need to spend more time with Holy Spirit so that those things don't bother me either.

Let's Pray Out Loud:
"Thank You Lord for joy in our journey and for all your comfort and encouragement! Help us Lord to remember all the great things you are doing at our church.  Help us also to give grace to those around us when they disappoint us.  Help us to expect our rewards from you and not people.  And thank You Lord for using imperfect people, including us. Amen!"

Bless you!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson

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