Monday, November 2, 2015
Patricia King and the Seer Gift!
Here is a good episode from her show where she interviews James Goll-- another great seer.
Enjoy! Lots of meat in this episode.
Remember, it's your right to see in the Kingdom. Everyone can see.
Brenda Gale Thompson
Best Exercises for Learning How to See in the Kingdom
I'm going to share it here for all of you. He makes it really easy to follow and he even has mentoring groups on Google that you can join if you are interested. He's got the proof! He's taken his whole church up into the courts and talk about the testimonies!!! I'm in awe.
It's called , "Exercises - How To Enter The Spirit Realm and Interact with God"
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson
Monday, October 19, 2015
Healing delayed?
Hi there....
I have got a good testimony to share with you. I stubbed my toe a while back and I keep reinjuring it. No fun when it's my right foot and I drive approximately 6-8 hours a day.
Aliss Crisswell has some great teaching about this. I made notes from her Youtube video. She says that when a condition doesn't respond to Healing prayer often there is a demon behind it and we need to deal with that.
So here's my summery of her teaching:
First we come out of agreement with this condition. For example, "Lord forgive me for coming into agreement with the evil spirit causing my sprained or broken toe" We don't even realize we are coming into agreement with it sometimes! It can be as simple as taking some pain medication or telling others that we jammed our toe on the furniture!
Second, we command the evil spirit to go, In Jesus' Name! Then we on purpose breath in Holy Spirit and breath out the demon and command it to leave and not bother anyone else but go straight to Jesus.
Also, if you have someone that will agree with you get them to put a hand on your shoulder and command the spirit to leave immediately while you do the breath in Holy Spirit thing.
I want to tell you that I did this last night for my toe and it worked! I've been praying for this toe for weeks and I put in a request for healing to a healing team a week ago and still the pain would get agonizing at times if I had to bend my toe at all. I got mad and started praying for healing for so many people and I would not give up!
Hallelujah! It pays to not give up! I am so grateful. I wasn't even looking for anything about my toe,,, just learning about angels and their ministry when this video came up on the playlist and had Aliss Crisswell teaching on it. How awesome is our God!!! Now I can go walk my dogs for as long as I want! Praise the Lord!
Anyhow, I hope this can help you too! It pays to not give up. God will get the revelation to you somehow if you keep seeking. I'm proof of that!
Have a great day!
Brenda Gale Thompson
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Monday, October 12, 2015
My Confessions (2014)
A tote full of journals! |
In every journal notebook I write down thankful confession in the back pages. 2014 was a year of huge changes for me so it was important to keep grounding myself in the word and in God's presence so I would come out victorious. I'm sharing them so you'll have a starting point for your own thankful confessions to build yourself up with. Enjoy!
Thank You Lord that I claim double for all my trouble!
If I want a change I must make a change!
God is with me! Thank You Lord that I'm never alone. I always have my angels around me!
I can do all things!
Thank You Lord that I have favor with God and people!
Thank You Lord that I can do anything through Your power that works so mightily in me!
I am his Living Sacrifice! There is nothing better than Holy Spirit living through me! So Holy Spirit live through me, sing through me, dance and flag through me. Please also, speak through me, encourage others through me, walk with me, love through me, forgive through me and decree things through me, Amen! Hallelujah!
Thank You Lord that I decree a thing and it shall be established and Your Light shall shine on my ways, Hallelujah! (Job. 22:28)
Thank You Lord that I ask you what I'm allowed to decree into every situation I come across. I stay humble and you will exalt me in due season!
Thank you Lord that you are guarding my reputation. You will vindicate my righteous cause! Thank You Lord that a Kind woman gains respect, glory and honor, but ruthless men gain only wealth.
Thank You Lord that You are arming me with strength and power and You are making my way perfect. (2Sam. 22:33, Psalm 18:32)
I break off all failure, self pity and oppression. Angels go and make a way for me, Open the right doors and close the wrong ones. Thank You Lord for Wisdom's help.
Thank you Lord for a new home, new friends, new dreams, new Ministry opportunities and many occasions to give you praise! Thank You Lord that Your Joy is my strength. I chose to rejoice in You!
Thank You Lord that I command my body to line up with the word of God. I am full of self control and I eat in moderation! My body is losing fat easily as I work out and change my eating habits.
PTL! My Godly metabolism is revved up and my body drops to the perfect weight. Thank you Jesus that I like to work out! Thank You Jesus for renewing my youth like the eagle!
PTL! I step into His Kingdom and take communion every day and God is transforming my DNA into HIS! Hallelujah!
Thank You Lord that I will not falter or become discouraged until His justice is established in the whole world (and cosmos) (Is. 42:4)
Thank You Lord that I am your special Daughter/Son! Thank you that I am anointed and blessed to be a blessing. I loose the anointing that I've received everywhere I go and people are impacted by Heaven as a result!
Thank you Lord for Provision for my life. Thank you that you are my Daddy and you've got my back and you are sticking up for me in every way. Thank you Lord for my family and I especially thank you that all my relationships are healthy and growing in You!
Thank You Lord that I am able to quickly recognize oppression, discouragement, deception, failure and different forms of lust and I go to the courts many times a day! I am more than a conqueror through him that Loves me! (Rom 8:37) I put on the Lord Jesus Christ and I make no provision for the lusts of the flesh. hallelujah!
Thank you Lord for healing up our hearts and spirits where they have been wounded by deceitful words. (ref. Prov. 15:4)
Thank You Lord that I have self-control in all areas of my life; eating, talking and doing so that my the enemy has no point of entry. (Ref. Prov. 25:28) Thank you Lord that I repent quickly and make amends when I grieve Holy Spirit.
I am God's torch,,, to display His glory and a gale force portion of Him flows through me.
Hallelujah! He's got my back! Thank You Lord that I get what others have given up on because of my persistence! Truly, As for me and my household... we shall serve the Lord! Thank You Lord that my children don't depart from the faith because they were taught the ways of life as children!
Let your peace and encouragement be in my home today. Thank you for Favor for all my children and that you are opening doors they don't know about. Thank you for helping them in every way Holy Spirit. Angels go! Plans of the enemy are confounded right now! Every wrong word is cast down to the ground. Every curse is nullified by the blood of Jesus!
All things are possible WITH GOD!
Thank you for Jim and all the other people I get to know in Heaven. Thank you for the people waiting for me in Edmonton. Thank You for Ian Clayton, Mike Parsons, Justin Abraham and all the other teachers I've had along the way!
Thank You Lord for Heaven on Earth through me. I am your revival vessel! Hallelujah!
Thank you for providing for me and my family this year. Hallelujah!
I break poverty off of my family and I. Also, I decree that I'll never lack another day of my life, Hallelujah! I always have enough to give on every occasion!
Praise the Lord! What men said couldn't happen is going to happen to me!
Thank You Lord that "I'll never be sick another day of my life. Fire, Fire, Fire grow in me, in Jesus' name!"
Thank You Lord for new income streams and witty inventions!
PTL! I can't fail for winning, I can't lose for succeeding. In all things God causes me to triumph!
God is treading down my enemies! Yeah!
I am pursuing intimacy with my Father today!
Thank you Lord that my eyes are open, my ears are open to see and hear more in Your kingdom! Thank You Lord that my heart is engaging heaven many times a day.
Thank You for all my Angels; Breakthrough, No more Delay, Justice, Hills melt like Wax, Glory Bomb, and All the other Angels I work with! Let them get their testimonies today!
So Thank You Lord that we are not quitters! Thank You Lord that I am beautiful, strong,
bright, witty, wise, and a joy to be around. Thank You Lord for making
all our enemies our footstool today. Thank You Lord for the fear of You
in our lives because it leads to wisdom. Thank You Lord for the fruit
of the Spirit in our lives today as we fellowship with You. Thank You
Lord for joy in our journey today. May we always be so grateful for all
You have done for us! Amen!
Ptl! (From Natasha Grbich) "I am seated with Jesus in Heavenly places! I am His trophy! I belong to him Spirit, Soul and Body! I am his living sacrifice! Every cell in me belongs to Him. His Blood has given me eternal life now. I am saved and here to preach the acceptable word of the Lord. That God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to a saving knowledge of his Precious Son!
Through Christ I was with him when he was slain, I was with him at the creation of the world and I'll be with him at the end of the age.
I am going to watch the devil burn in a lake of fire. I am going to see his time end and see him bound in the pit for 1000 years where he will suffer forever. I am free and anything he tries to put on me I say 1000x it's back on him.! Ha! A curse causeless will not come! Because I choose every day to walk in love and to forgive everyone he has no rights! My bloodlines have been cleansed and I'm throwing blood of Jesus bombs out every morning! Hallelujah! Praise the blood of Jesus that gave us such great victories!"
I give God glory by doing what he created me to do! Nothing can stop me! I will not falter or be discouraged until His justice is established in the Whole World and Cosmos!
I am not a quitter! He's causing me to become a greater blessing everywhere I go. Thank you Lord for more ministry opportunities and for courage and boldness to move forward! Thank you Lord also for greater discernment and more counsel... Let the fear of You be upon me always so I don't want to sin. Thank You Lord for a guard on my mouth and that you are setting a watch on my lips. Thank You Lord for constant fellowship with you today.
Amen! Now that's how to start your day, lol!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson
Separating Soul and Spirit
Hi. In talking to our cell group I have found out that really only two of us see in the Kingdom realm. So I'm posting this link because this has really helped me.
It's based on the scripture verse in Hebrews 4:12 "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
I wish I had this revelation a long time ago. I only knew to become a living sacrifice and fast in order to get my spirit man to rule over my bodily passions and my soulish pursuits.
This revelation works! If you will persist, you will get there. Your soul and body will eventually submit to your spirit and then you'll be able to go into Heaven/Kingdom at will.
So the progression is working on...
1.) Dividing soul and spirit so your spirit rules over your soul and body,
2.) Dividing your joints and marrow,,, the very core of your building blocks (taking communion in Heaven really helps with this)
3.) Judging the thoughts and intents of your hear... This was/is a real tender subject for everyone. It gets to the core of why you do and say the things you do.
My advice Listen to this video many, many times because there are layers in it that your soul might not want you to hear.
Have fun! God wants this for you! He's told me over and over again. "Have faith in me!" He'll help us get there. He wants us to discover what's on our scroll! He wants us to have joy in our journey with Him! The only way you can fail is by quitting so lets agree that we are not quitters and that we won't falter or be discouraged until His justice is established in the whole world. Amen? Amen! (ref. Isa 42;4)
Sending big hugs!
Brenda Gale Thompson
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Good listen about getting free from Porn
Also, there are all the downstream effects of pornography: erectile dysfunction, more twisted lusts, and the crimes people commit to fulfill those new desires and fantasies.
Did you know that the number one reason a woman will leave a man is because of porn addiction? She knows he's fooling around on her. I have met many porn widows.... some who were positive that their husbands/boyfriends were having an affair on them. They might not have been physically at that moment but they were emotionally!
There has been so little authoritative teaching on this subject and so many Christian men struggle with this I am thrilled to find this youtube video about purity.
There's also a book put out by Promise Keepers called, "Sex, God and Men" by Douglas Weiss. It has some good stuff in it about the different levels of masturbation etc. and how to bond with your mate so porn is not so desirable.
Basically..... your best option is to ask Holy Spirit to help you to hate your sin... that's the start. And, as always,,, run to God... not away from Him! A healed heart is much stronger at resisting porn than a broken, hurting person.
So If you want to pray with me let's start out this way... You can add whatever the Lord lays on your heart.
" Lord, your will be done and your kingdom come in our lives in a greater way today. We claim courage to run to You, not away from you. We know that you were tempted to sin, yet didn't sin and we too can resist temptation! Hallelujah for the hope and victories you have in store for us! Amen!"
Have a great day!
Brenda Gale Thompson
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Lord Help Us!
It's so, so wrong.... Jesus was a friend of sinners!!!! Do we even have a clue what that means? That doesn't mean that the people got instantly delivered of every single sin problem they had and then and only then Jesus would hang out with them! NO! God always leaves a bad habit or two so people will learn and grow through the training process. Always!
If we read James chapter 2 we see that if we fail in just one part we are guilty of it all. According to Matt. 15:18-20 even our thoughts are dirty and unclean before a holy God! So why do we think that we have to maintain certain standards????? Who are we trying to impress? What are our motives????
We desperately need his mercy and grace.... I myself run into the holy of holies and receive my robe of righteousness many times a day. Thank God its a free gift!
I make sure that before I get a 'holier than thou' attitude that I say, "It's only by God's grace that I'm not doing 10x worse!" We need to die to what we think people will say and think about us period! Being a 'Living sacrifice' means just that. (Rom 12:1) The Fear of Man is a snare and a trap. (Prov. 20:25)
So this applies to our friends who aren't going to church or living a "Christian lifestyle". Who are we to impose our beliefs on them? Do we think that our rules or false judgements will draw them to Christ? Hardly.... It's God's kindness that leads men to repentance! Not rules and human standards.
I can only speak for myself and I tell you I am so sick of religious people who are trying to maintain their standards. They like the Pharisees conveniently forget love! We got to look right! And oh!, what will the people say if I am seen with you?"
It was people like that that Kept me away from church for a long time! People who want to make you keep paying for your sin that happened years ago. Give me a break!
Religious behavior is concerned with Appearances and it always takes people away from the simplicity of the gospel.
Now a days its very common for people to live together. I might not agree but I am not anybody's judge... My Father is very good at talking to his sons and daughters and the last time I checked He hadn't asked for my help. He told me to love people where they were at and to trust Him to change them, in his timing (not mine).
You know.... quite likely my daughter wouldn't have had a father if I had insisted on this religious standard... and many people would not have gotten saved and healed over the years as a result. My in-laws probably didn't agree with us sharing a bed before marriage but they wisely kept their opinions to themselves. Thank God for people like them. Now did my boyfriend get saved eventually? Yes... and let me tell you it wasn't my religious, self-righteous behavior that won him... it was my non- judgemental love.
Anyhow.... that's my opinion.... I've been praying for my girls and their boyfriends and I believe God has His hand on them..... Hallelujah! I just want to shine so bright for the Lord! I want to emulate love and not religious behavior! There's already too many Christians concerned about what others will think if they do this or that. Lord help us all to die to the fear of man!
I'd be very interested to hear how you have handled these kind of situations in your family.
Have a great day with the Lord!
Brenda Gale Thompson
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Cleansing your imagination so that Holy Spirit can use it and you can trust what you see is extremely important.
I have led people into heavenly encounters many, many times only to have them pull back and disengage because of offense. When I asked Holy Spirit about it, he said that they had hit a wall and had to be willing to deal with their 'stuff'. So beware of taking offense. It usually is a symptom of a deeper issue that Holy Spirit is trying to shine the light on.
So this is what I started out doing many years ago. I had a very hard, seared heart before I got introduced to Jesus and it really grieved me so I asked Holy Spirit for a tender heart. (1Tim. 4:2, 2Kings 22:19, Psalm 51: 10-12)
Second whenever I quit hearing Holy Spirit I would humble myself and go apologize to whoever I needed to.... I kept repenting till his voice/presence was with me again. (Now I know it's my angels that were hanging around). You see words that are full of the fruit of Holy Spirit attract Angels (Gal. 5:22-25) while words that are full of self and the fruit of self attract demon spirits. (Gal. 5:19-21). I didn't care what other people thought of me, I needed Him! Desperation works!
Third, I worshiped a lot... I wanted to be like King David that sang to the Lord. I wanted to bless His heart because he had done so much for me. I never ever wanted to grieve Holy Spirit.
As I began to worship all these bad images would come to my thoughts and I tried to stuff them but it didn't help... Holy Spirit said I needed to acknowledge that they were apart of the old me. Then I would confess that they were not the new me and I would ask Jesus to wipe them away from me... If they wouldn't go away immediately I would ask the Lord what else I needed to do. Sometimes I had to go apologize to someone.. Sometimes I had to go make it right etc. Then I would ask Holy Spirit to help me hate the things that he hated.
You see we will never get rid of the sin we like. We have to get to the point where we hate the sin and the death it brings before we will ever give up the pleasure of it. All sin is pleasurable for an instant but the Bible says it leads to death and it sure does! (James 1:14-15)
So back to cleansing.... Holy Spirit helped me to fast track a lot of cleansing with the power of God's word. There is supernatural power in God's word to bring it to pass when you mix it with faith. And faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So I would ask Holy Spirit for a promise and when I felt a line or two get highlighted in my Bible I would write it down and start to think about it and speak it over myself and even try to sing it over myself till I knew but I knew it was mine. Then I had power to fight off the things that led to bad images.
You know Holy Spirit had me read the Book of James over and over for a LONG time. (many months) I wasn't allowed to read much else in my Bible. Some lady gave me trouble because I wasn't reading the whole Bible every year. I recognized a religious spirit speaking through her.... You decide who you are going to listen to.
I won't say it's easy. I've taken lots of ridicule from family members because I won't watch a lot of the TV shows or movies out there. If Holy Spirit says no... that's good enough for me. He's more important. I don't make a big deal of it and I certainly don't have a 'holier than thou' attitude. I just quietly leave and go to the kitchen or my room and do something else. I want my imagination to be Holy Spirit's drawing board at any cost.

Holy Spirit will make it worth your while! You can never, ever out give him! Whatever sacrifices you have to make he will compensate you for,,, over and over again.
So have fun! I decree that You are more than a conqueror through Him that loved you! Heaven is closer to you than your hand in front of you! I pray for Joy in your journey and sweet, sweet fellowship with Him and your angels and may you always be passionate for Holy Spirit, Jesus and the Father and their Kingdom! Amen!
Big hugs and blessings,
Brenda Gale Thompson
(Thanks to
for their carwash cartoon and to for their tiger picture.)
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Desire is the key to all Heavenly/Kingdom encounters. So I am determined to stay hungry and to make a difference in any way I can. The Lord told me that mobilizing his angelic armies was a big help to Him... so I desire to see His angels busy...
I once asked about reading my scroll and the Lord said that as I prayed the Lords prayer (Your will be done and your Kingdom come) over my self and offered myself a living sacrifice (with no agenda) to him, that I was doing what was on my scroll. Hallelujah!
See the Lord knows what's on each of our scrolls and if you knew ahead of time there's a good chance it would freak you out and you would run the other way. I know I've been freaked out by some of the visions I've had of the future. As we pursue him and surrender our gates; mind, will, emotions, desires, past, present, future etc... we are pliable and His will and his plans are accomplished in our lives.
So I trust Him. He's promised to work all things together to my good and His word says that He has exalted his word above his name. Plus He's said that no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived the things that God has planned for us. That's good enough for me.
I just step in and ask what He would like to do today. He knows if my heart needs healing. He knows what's coming down the pipe and how to prepare me for greater victories. He's trustworthy!
So have fun stepping in by faith... Ask the Lord to help you get rid of any hindrances to walking by faith in the Spirit. I pray for joy in your journey with Him.
P.S. Ian Clayton has some great teaching on dividing your soul and spirit and cleansing your gates. His website is
Be blessed!
Brenda Gale Thompson
Monday, February 2, 2015
Court of Angels
So by faith I took a big step and I was in the waiting room between our realm, the Angel's realm and the court. My angel Justice was there and the door posts had all these little angel feathers with eyes in them. The only difference was that there were lots of angels standing around and they got excited when I showed up. All of a sudden there was a big cheer as I made my way to the Courtroom door. It made me cry,,, they were so happy to see me going to court again.
There wasn't a petitioner there so I was granted immediate access. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael nodded to me and Michael spoke up asking what I wanted. I said, "I just want to help." They took out a scroll with the list of all the scrolls I've been given and and asked if I was sure that I wanted more responsibility.
"Yes," I said. I was given a scroll for Brazil and the angel that I would be communicating with was named "Treasure". Interesting name. I wasn't told if he was a prince warring angel or not...
My thoughts went to all the angels standing around in the anteroom waiting and I asked if I could release those angels to go get their testimonies and to fulfill their destinies.
I saw a sigh on Gabriel's lips and they reluctantly said in unison, "No." They are waiting for the right people to come ask.
I left the room and I told the angels waiting that I would spread the word so more Sons and daughters would come visit the angel's court.
So let me give you a good picture so you can use your imagination and go there.
It's really easy to access. You just ask! You first Step in boldly through the rent curtain in the holy of holies and receive your robe of righteousness. Then when you're ready ask! What I've learned to recognize is what I'll share so you can develop your own pathway to this court.
There's a room about the size of a big gym and the door you go into is on the long wall, closest to you. There are small angel's feathers with eyes in them all along the door frame and they can see you and they are so soft to touch. There is a door on the opposite long wall in the left corner that I've seen the angels come through. I'm not allowed through that door. That door leads to the angel's realm. The door can grow larger for the big angels to come through.
The angel's court is straight across and has big brown doors that open towards you. Inside it's like a regular court room with three angels... I just petition whoever they point me to and then they decide. They always give me a scroll and then it's my job to bring it down from heaven and show the scroll whenever the devil challenges my authority. It's that simple.
If I am slow to release the angels in the morning, one of my angels will come nudge me or just say 'Hello' and I'll know okay.... Let's get all you guys busy. They are so happy when we give them stuff to do. They wait for us to decree things. They wait for Holy Spirit inspired words to come out of our mouths! Truly, there's no life like it!
I have an angel here with me now, helping me to write this. I hope I've made it clear enough for you to use as a launching point for your own encounters. We do it all by faith. Our imaginations are sanctified by the blood of Jesus and we've cleaned our memories from the garbage we've seen over the years and I know that you can do this! God wants this for you so much!
So go for it! Let's keep all of God's armies busy. I'll never forget how, when I was a baby christian (so many years ago), praying for all the guys in my Engineering class, God told me that I could have as many angels as I would keep busy! Really! As many angels as I would keep busy! He's faithful! He wants you to keep many, many angels busy too!
Therefore, I release faith to believe all of God's promises to you and the desire and persistence to get all that God has prepared for you. Truly, "We will not falter or be discouraged until His justice is established in the whole earth...!" (Is. 42:4)
Have a great day with Him!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Communion with Amazing Revelations!
So enjoy this amazing teaching and let your heart and soul be satisfied with the richest of food!
His web site is if you want more information or more resources.
Big hugs and many blessings,
Brenda Gale Thompson
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Training & Growing in the Lord
Growing with the Lord is like that. We coast along for a while and then if we ask, we'll get the opportunity to learn a lot more. At first when our eyes are opened to the new possibilities it can seem overwhelming... but I want to encourage you to stick it out because it will soon become a lot easier. God will not leave you or forsake you and He's way better at teaching than any trainer on earth. Hallelujah!
If you don't give up you'll have another trophy for the Lord, to trade with on the sea of glass. And if you fail... no worries! Practice is never wasted, even when you make mistakes! In this game we get to keep trying till we succeed or choose to give up. It's up to us.
Also, If we don't succeed the first time we'll grow in compassion and will be able to comfort others with the comfort we ourselves have received from the Lord.
So Thank You Lord that we are not quitters! We can't fail for winning, we can't lose for succeeding and in all things you will cause us to triumph! Hallelujah! Let's keep going... Thank You Lord that we are bright, witty, wise, and a joy to be around. Thank You Lord for making all our enemies our footstool today. Thank You Lord for the fear of You in our lives because it leads to wisdom. Thank You Lord for the fruit of the Spirit in our lives today as we fellowship with You. Thank You Lord for joy in our journey today. May we always be so grateful for all You have done for us! Amen!
Have a great day with Holy Spirit!
Big hugs and many blessings,
Brenda Gale Thompson