God wants You!
I think it's so amazing that GOd wants to use us, right where we are, right now. You might be wondering how God could use you and I hope to answer that question.
In Romans Chapter 12, the apostle Paul writes "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, Holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship. So every day I say something like "Here am I Lord. If you need someone please use me." It works. I can't begin to tell you the wonderful things that have happened over the years. I give him all the Glory!
The next thing to do is to ask the Lord for his love because our love is so weak. In Romans 5:5 we read...."And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love, into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." So every day, sometimes many times a day I ask the Lord to shed his love abroad in my heart because let's face it,,, some people are hard to love!
After that I ask the Lord for his angels to protect me all day long (ref. Psalm 91) There's so many things that could happen and I want his protection on me and my loved ones and the people I encounter in my day.
That reminds me of something the Lord taught me. I was very young in the Lord and had just heard that we have angels assigned to us all our lives. So that night before I went to bed I asked the Lord if I had kept my angels busy that day. "Not really." he replied. So I asked the lord to show me how to keep them busy. That led me to learn about intercessory prayer and how prayer is the mightiest weapon. Hallelujah! Months later I asked the Lord "Am I keeping my angels busy?" and He said "Yes." I asked the Lord "How many angels can I have? and he replied, "As many as you will keep busy." WOW! That excited me. So Praise God, keep your angels busy. The Bible says that they hearken to the voice of his word and since we are the ones speaking his word on the earth, right now they'll listen to you as your prayers line up with Heaven. Pretty amazing eh? It gets better!
You might be thinking Where can I go? Easy! You don't have to go far to find people that don't know the Lord. The first way the Lord told me to go was to live conscious of Him all the time. I keep in touch with him many times a day. Just tell Him "Lord, I love you. Did I tell you that today?" He Loves hearing that. He loves to fellowship with us all day long. He is always looking for those who will worship him in spirit and in truth. As we do this Holy Spirit hovers around us and the people around us get a taste of heaven whether it be at work, school, in the grocery store, at the gas station, in the bus, everywhere we are.
That reminds me of a time before I got saved when I was riding a bus. I was searching at that time and I couldn't help but notice an older man on the bus because his countenance glowed. I couldn't stop looking at him he was so full of joy and peace. I wanted what he had so bad but I didn't have the guts to go ask him what made him shine. So remember, just because you can't see the glory of God on your face doesn't mean that God can't highlight you for someone else when He needs to. And the next time you spend some time praising and worshiping the Lord take a good look in the mirror afterwards. You'll start to see glory in your eyes.. Amazing eh? That's how it starts. We are changed from Glory to glory as we behold him. (2 Cor. 3:16-18)
Bless You!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson
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