I love it. I saw "DON'T QUIT" on a friend's page and I started commenting and it's stuff we all should be saying every morning.
Don't quit believing God's word.
Don't quit trusting for Him to come through for you.
Don't quit asking questions when things aren't going the way you thought they would.
Don't quit declaring/commanding your morning!
Here are some of the confessions I decree:
We rule and reign through Holy Spirit. We are victors not victims! We can do all things through Holy Spirit who is in us forever! (Rom 5:17,19 2Cor.2:14, Heb13:5-6)
Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.
-I am enriched in all my knowledge and speaking. I have supernatural recall of the word of God.
-I am smart, witty and wise and a joy to be around.
-I do not let the pride of my heart deceive me. I ask for a humble, teachable heart today Lord. (Obed. 3)
-Let me be Your living sacrifice today, Lord. Here are my hands, mouth, feet, mind, will and emotions. Use me today for Your glory.(Rom.12:2)
Thank You Lord that because I love Your word, nothing can cause me to stumble or take offense. (Ps. 119:165)
Thanks Holy Spirit for helping me to judge myself so that I won't be judged. (1Cor. 11:31)
-Thank You Lord that I don't have fear. I have your love, power and a sound mind. Hallelujah! (2Tim.1:7)
-Thank You Lord for helping me to take negative, critical, judgmental thoughts captive and to only think and speak what is good, pleasing, edifying, noble and praise worthy. (2Cor. 10:4-5, Phil. 4:4-8)
-Thank You Lord that I have your mind today. (2Cor. 2:14) Thanks Lord that only words of love, grace mercy and power flow out of me today. (Gal. 5:19-23)
Thank You Lord that I am full of the fruit of Holy Spirit and that my growth is evident to all.
Thank You Lord that I have favor with all people. Thank You Lord for clear, concise communication and no misunderstandings today.
Thank You Lord for opening the right doors for me and closing the rest. Thanks Lord for encouragement today. Use me to encourage others too.
Mark Virkler found out that up to 80% of what people think is negative. Also, the Lord told him that the negative thoughts were not from Him. Selah. (from the book "Grace & Forgiveness" by John and Carol Arnott" Pg 37)
So if we want to be useful in the Kingdom of God we are going to have to go against the tide and choose positive scripture-based thoughts and words.
Finally, the best way I know to take a bad thought captive is to say out loud something good. Your mind will shut up and listen to what you are speaking.
This has taken me a while but I'm happy to say that I'm so, so much better at thinking only good, noble, praiseworthy, blessing thoughts. Also, I have been able to help other people because I am more sensitive to spirits of depression and suicide on people as they come close to me.
Therefore, Don't Quit. You shine like stars in the dark night when you are full of praise and thanksgiving. God wants to use you today. Don't quit asking God to use you today. Don't quit asking for His compassion that will compel you to help others. LOL. (You are going to have an exciting day now!)
I bless you with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual understanding... (Col. 1:9-11)
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