I saw an Angel in the spirit during worship at church a few weeks ago. He had some chains around his wrists.
Now some people are immediately thinking, "Wait a minute. Angels are mighty." I agree whole heartedly. That's why we need to ask lots of questions. Is this literal or figurative? Is this now or for the future?
I asked the Lord what to do with this picture and He said to break off the chains with declarations.
So I decreed that the spirit of revival was loosed in our church and that there were other angels now there to help this revival angel.
Well, as they say, the proof is in the pudding. We have had Holy Spirit breaks outs for many nights since then, with people feeling the presence of God as soon as they step into the sanctuary. People are getting healed, saved and delivered.
We serve a good God, who is in a good mood all the time. We can't do it without Him and He won't do it without us. So let's trust Him and if something doesn't fit, let's ask clarifying questions.
For example, I felt a heaviness for a bit last night and everyone was getting blessed and touched. The Lord told me to intercede in the middle of it. Go figure. So I asked Him, now? "Yep," I heard.
Doesn't make sense eh? Everybody else is getting mightily touched but I'm warring in the spirit, stomping around. I obeyed and thought, well He'll make it clear later. About an hour later I found out that a woman got delivered that night. Someone thought she was having an epileptic fit, but no, it was just the demon's leaving.
That's what I live for! Tears and laughter are great and I'll be a fool for Him forever, but there's nothing like the joy Holy Spirit gives when someone gets set free.
So if you see me doing some strange stuff during worship, don't worry... I am a prophetic intercessor following the voice of my King.
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