I took my daughter to the waterslide park yesterday because there was a free event put on by CHRI, the local Christian radio station. It started to rain so I sought shelter and it got really crowded when the thunder and heavy rain started. I was praying quietly for everyone that tempers wouldn't flare and that the love of God would manifest because we'd been waiting a long time for the rain to stop.
Then a latino fellow started playing his guitar and a sing-a-long started. I squeezed my way over so I could hear and join in and we had a great time exalting Jesus and encouraging one another in the Lord. Later, he played a song where we were supposed to reach out and show Christian love by greeting one another so I overcame my own hesitancy and reached out.
As soon as I did I started getting impressions and words for people so I quickly shared them as I went from one person to another. It was so cool. There was an openness there and I felt Holy Spirit smiling as I looked to see the gold in people.
I kept singing under my breath as the rain stopped and people slowly went back to their regular activities.
I still had to fight fear with my words... the enemy did not want me encouraging people. That's all the devil has is fear... so do like I do and tell him to take a hike. You have "not been given a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind." (2Tim. 1:7) You are bold because you are righteous. (Prov. 28:1)
Sometimes I only get one word or a picture and I've learned it's better to speak the one word that God gives you and trust Him to give you more, than to sit and wait and hope that you'll get another word. I have missed many opportunities waiting for more words. Just like Peter we have to step out of the boat, figuratively and trust that He'll come through for us.
Anyhow I must have shared words with about twenty people. It went really well except for one guy. When I first saw him I got, 'Double Life.' That's not the kind of word that I want to go speak to someone because I was thinking, okay he's hiding something and I've pegged him.
Wrong. I took those thoughts captive. (2Cor.10:4-5) I asked the Lord for something else for him. Didn't get anything. Sigh. I asked the Lord if He really wanted me to go talk to this man. "Yes." sigh, okay...
When I went up to him and told him the word I had, his guard went up, and I told the Lord (in my head) "See, I told you!" but then I got some more. It turns out there was a great disconnect between this guy's past and his present life and the Lord wanted to bring healing and restoration into his past. (That wasn't so bad eh?)
So I shared what the Lord gave me then I blessed him. He said, "Oh, okay." The relief was evident on his face.
That's something I learned from Graham Cooke. When you get a negative word of knowledge, ask the Lord to tell you what to prophesy to counteract that negative word. Prophesy is always for edification, exhortation, comfort and encouragement. We never want to do the devil's work for him by criticizing or judging someone.
Anyhow, it was a great day. I saw one of the guys I shared a word with on the way out and he invited me to the radio station for a visit. Said he liked the spirit our church was operating in. Amen to that!
I have awesome leaders now. There's an openness at our church and it's so awesome to be a part of what God is doing. I have found a new freedom to be who God created me to be and all I can say is "Thank You Lord!"
If you want some of this anointing, let me pray for you.
Lord I bless the person reading this. I ask that Your kingdom come in their lives and Your will be done in your lives right now. Thank You Lord for breaking off the hindrances in their lives. Open up the possibilities in their lives to hear Your voice and to act on it. Let your love and compassion compel them to make a difference everywhere they go in Jesus' name I ask. Amen!
Now go praise and worship Him and expect Him to keep His word and inhabit your praises. Then ask Him to show you the gold in people and believe you receive it and share His love and encouragement.
When I started, all I had was His love and I would go bless people and it took me a while to recognize all the impressions I was getting were for them and not me or random things. So go have fun learning how to be His Living Sacrifice, full of His glory and passion, making a difference.
I declare that your life will never be the same. Hallelujah!
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