Last Friday night we had a visiting speaker. He has grown in the gift of healing over the years and was with our congregation as a guest.
I was curious to hear him give a few testimonies and then ask if anyone had one leg shorter than the other that they knew about for sure.
Well, somebody did so he called them up and had them sit in a chair with their backs against the back of the chair. Then he had them put their feet on a chair facing them and he compared them so the congregation could see the difference in length.
What followed was nothing short of amazing. He called upon the whole congregation to stretch forth their hands and agree with him and he commanded the person's leg to grow out in the name of Jesus. He kept saying, "In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus." Nothing fancy at all, He just rebuked the condition and commanded the leg to grow out, in the name of Jesus.
The leg grew out before our eyes. The person that had received prayer just felt a tingling and then felt the heel of their shoe move on the chair. It even shocked them! (I love it!)
Well, after a couple of people's legs grew out and their pelvises were adjusted, we couldn't help noticing how people's pain left them too. It was a sight for sore eyes, let me tell you.
We got the kids upstairs so they could see it and they got to see the miracles from about 6 feet away. Amazingly enough, after about 4 or 5 people got prayed for the kids started to play again and they just expected people to get healed. It was supernaturally normal now.
During the prayer time for one person who wasn't receiving fast, I saw a huge silver sword in the spirit with the word "MERCY" blazing down the side of it. I asked the Lord what that was about and I saw myself using it to hack apart a dam. As soon as I did, the person's leg and back got healed really fast. The joy of the Lord hit me and I was giggling in the seats. Oh! Holy Spirit was so happy!
The service was still going on at 11 pm. Many people didn't want to go home. The presence of the Lord was all around and unbelievers got their first taste of God's glory.
My girlfriend who had never been at a healing service said that when she held her hand out to join in agreement with the others, that she felt like her hand was a burner on the stove. She was quite amazed at this so she put that arm down and lifted the other. Her other hand got the burner sensation on the outside half of it, so she concluded that this was indeed God.
I asked the Lord later about the sword and He told me that "His mercy always triumphs over judgment." (James 2:13) I believe the Lord gave me a huge key to break down the walls that hinder people from receiving God's mercy and goodness (healing, deliverance, salvation, answered prayer etc.) It's not about us being good enough to deserve it. It's all about His mercy.
Bless you, in the name of Jesus!
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More Lord!
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