I found out last Monday that there was going to be a seance on my road on Tuesday evening. I prayed about it then forgot till Tuesday after supper. I started praying in my prayer language as I didn't know what to do then I asked Holy Spirit what He wanted me to do.
"Take communion," was what He said. After that I asked what was next and He said, "Don't eat anything else." So I said okay and got out of the kitchen.
I asked if He wanted me to go to this place and He said, "Yes."
I didn't know the exact address, just that it was a big blue house. So I told my family I was leaving and drove down my road. I was claiming that my road was a Holy Highway for the Lord (Is 35:8) and I broke off any and all witchcraft curses off my road and I applied the blood of Jesus to keep everyone safe.
I felt Holy Spirit nudge me as I drove by the house so I turned around and pulled over to the side. Just an ordinary big, green house with oversize windows facing me. It was very quiet outside considering there were 11 vehicles parked on the road and driveway and 4 way back beside an equipment shed. Normally, in the summer in Canada, everybody would be visiting outside, unless it was raining. I saw some candles lit in the window but no people came to the door or window. It was really strange. I felt like I was pushing back stuff, spiritually, with every step and I had the impression that something was not happy with me being there. LOL.
No one came out so I asked the Lord, "What's next?" He reminded me of a scripture that I had read that afternoon, " Here am I, and the children the Lord has given me. We are signs and symbols (wonders) in Israel from the Lord Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion. When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living? " (Is.8:18-19) So I wrote that scripture reference on 11 business cards from our church and I put them on the windshields of the cars I could get to. I didn't go to the 4 vehicles way back on the property because some large dogs started barking fiercely.
The Lord told me to confound(mix up/confuse) the medium so he couldn't hear clearly and to decree that the people had all wasted their money. Isaiah 8:20 says that "it will do them no good" (Good News Version) so I thought that was appropriate. These 20 people had to pay $40.00 dollars each to have this guy come. What a waste of money! These people could have come to our church where there are a number of people who operate in the prophetic and get God's agenda for their lives -- free!
I was led to bless the owners of two vehicles, so I did and Holy Spirit said to put a business card in the mail box so they would know where to go for a real power encounter. Following is a picture of the business card.
I drove home and decreed that any spirit of back lash or retaliation that would try to attack me, my family or my church family was stopped and turned back to land on the perpetrators. I plead the blood of Jesus on my farm, our road and our church family. I also bound any spirit of freak accident, mischief or calamity that would try to attack anyone. Finally, I let some friends know by email what I had done so they could agree with me and cover me and the church in prayer as Holy Spirit led.
Nothing happened to us. My family and I slept in peace. I heard later the next day, from the lady that first alerted me, that only 2 people got any kind of word at all, and the rest said it was a waste of time. They were told by the medium that the dead mother didn't have anything to say. Ha! We know better! 26 people were there, so I was very happy that only two got something, maybe before I showed up and confounded the medium!
So there you have it. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. (1John 4:4) Christ is in you, the Hope of Glory! (Col.1:27)
Let's pray. Lord help my brother and sister to do even greater things as they walk with You, learning to trust and obey Your precious voice. Thank You for more grace as we step out of our boats. Amen!
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