Most people won't break out of the mold because of the fear of disappointment. I have realized that if I don't do anything, then nothing will change!
So what do we fear and why do we fear it?
Failure and disappointment might have a huge grip on us because of peer pressure growing up, criticism or past failures. We need to get honest with God and ask Him, "What is holding me back?"
Or maybe we have judged someone who stepped out and tried to do what we have dreamed about. This will definitely bring a curse on ourselves. Yes it's far easier to stay safe and criticize, but there's no testimony or victory there. (If that's you check for a root of bitterness.)
Everyone remembers Peter stepping out of the boat but nobody remembers who else was in the boat-- safe. I noticed that Jesus helped Peter continue when his faith wavered, while the other disciples sat. (Matt. 14:29-33)
If you have a dream to do something for God, then start where you are at. Don't let anything stop you from taking that first step. The fear of what people will say or do to you leads to bondage. (reference Proverbs 29:25) But, whoever puts their trust in the Lord will be safe.
We can't fear disappointment. I remember once the Lord told me that the Father's love and plans for us go on forever and ever. He's always got a back up plan for when we miss it trying to discern His directions. He's even got back up plans for when we willfully choose not to listen and pay the consequences. (LOL... that was me for a few years when I was young in the Lord.)
If we don't dare to try, we lose the experience and wisdom we could have learned along the way.
The average millionaire has failed many times before he/she hit the right combination of idea and business strategy. A friend that was in business used to say that before a business person becomes successful he/she will fail 3 times. 3 times! So what if no one every started? We wouldn't have any great inventions or patents. How boring would that be? I like disposable diapers, laptops and dvd players, thank you very much!
So I say let's get the failures over with! I want to do what God has prepared for me to do. There is no greater joy than being used by Holy Spirit to help someone.
The other day I was in the grocery store and I thought to myself, "Hmmm I haven't given a word to anyone today." About ten feet away was a young man stocking shelves so I asked the Lord to show me what to say and then I stopped. I looked back and asked him a question. "Are you saving for school?"
"No, he replied."
"You should be. I see so many talents in you. God says that..." and on I went.
That man will never forget me. I called out the gold I saw in him and hopefully steered him into a new direction in his life. Praise the Lord!
So what if he says, "Oh I'm not interested in God." So what? Everybody wants encouragement, Everybody. They'll go pay lots of money to psychics in the hopes of getting some help and direction. And God has much better plans for them than the devil!
So start where you are at. Ask the Lord what baby step you can take today. A journey starts with one step. It gets easier and easier after you start because you have momentum working for you.
Lord I bless the person reading this blog. May they realize that You are a super big God and You delight in our every attempt to follow Your voice and Your direction. I thank You so much for making your directions real to us. Show us what to say to people to bless them and encourage them. Thank You for joy in our journey with You and courage and boldness to make a difference for eternity. Amen.
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson
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