Monday, October 11, 2010

Idle Words Part 2

Hi there.  I have been trying to fast, negative, doubtful, idle words the past few days  and it's challenging at times.  With God though, all things are possible.  (ref. Mark 10:27)

I was reading in James, chapter 3:1-6 today and  it says that the tongue;
-is a fire
-is a world of evil.
-it sets the whole course (destiny) of a person's life on fire (destroys it.) For example words like, "I'll never..., you always... )
-is set on fire by hell.

I'm going to turn this around to work for me by declaring:

-Thank You Jesus that my tongue is edifying my whole body, soul and spirit.
-My tongue is setting the course of my life  to have Glory and Heaven right here, right now because I am already seated with him (Jesus) in Heavenly places. (Eph. 2:6)
- Thank You Lord that I am a Heavenly Being right here, right now, full of glory and signs and wonders.
-Thank You Lord that my tongue speaks words of blessing, encouragement, love, hope and destiny.
-Thank You Jesus that my tongue is on fire for God alone. (opposite of James 3:6)

That will help us immensely.  We are the captains of our own lives you know.  You believe what you say about yourself more than you believe what other people say about you.  That's why it's so important to speak good things over yourself.  You start speaking the Word of God, which is supernatural, over yourself and you will have a supernatural life.  (ref. Is. 55:7-12, 2Pet.1:3-8) Every promise from God is infused with supernatural power that has the ability to change  you, if you will put it to work.  So work with God and don't let your boat sink!

Bless you, in Jesus' name!

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