Monday, October 11, 2010

Idle Words

A few days ago as I was talking to the Lord in the car,  I got the song from the Lord, "I will fast and I will pray,  that You'd touch our hearts afresh Lord..."  so I asked the Lord if He wanted me to fast a bit.
"Yes, He replied, "from idle words."

Ok.  That's harder than a food fast, but with Holy Spirit's help I can do this.  No more idle, inactive, doubt filled words.
To help I've been building myself up in the Word. Here are some of the thankful confessions that I have used over the years: 

Thank You Lord that I am quick to hear, slow to speak and very slow to get angry or offended. (James 1:19)
Thank You Lord that there is a huge guard on my mouth and tongue. (ref. Ps. 141:3)
Thank You Lord for setting a watch over the words of my mouth. (ref. Ps. 141:3)
Thank You that words of healing pour out of me.
Thank You Lord that the law of kindness is in my mouth. (Prov. 31:26)
Thank You Lord that only words of love, grace,  mercy and power flow out of me.
Thank You Lord that I build myself up in my most Holy faith by praying in tongues more.(Jude 23)
Thank You Lord that I edify myself by singing psalms and hymms and by making melody in my heart to the Lord. (ref. Col. 3:16, Eph. 5:19)
Thank You Lord that I think and speak about whatever is good, noble, praiseworthy, pure, lovely, encouraging and excellent. (ref. Phil 4:8)
Thank You Lord that I, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of my mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."(Eph. 4:29)

I am going to go over my scripture confessions every day to help build better habits.  I have come a long way in the last few years and Holy Spirit is happy. Hallelujah!  I believe we are going to see the Word of God become so powerful out of our mouths that miracles will happen before our eyes.  To that end I  press on, for the High calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Bless you as you pursue Him for more in Your life.  May we always be hungry for more of You, Lord! Amen.

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