Saturday, January 21, 2012

Vision & Video

I have been wanting to advertise all that God has been doing in our church ( or Kinburn Revival on Facebook)  to encourage others.  We have not arrived by any means. We are just a group of people with a hunger for God and some awesome pastors that are encouraging us to grow in our gifts.

I am learning Adobe so I can make dvd's of the services. An off shoot of this is that I can make video clips of some of the highlights.

So I thought it would be a good idea to share this clip.  As you can see, I have a  lot to learn about stage presence and public speaking skills. Yet... people told me there were blessed by what I shared!

Pastor Darren's word after I share is especially encouraging.  If God can use us than He can certainly use you!!! Be encouraged!  Here's the link:

Brenda Gale Thompson

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