"I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done." (Psalm 143:5) It's very important that we remember what God has done for us. We don't want to be like some of the Israelis who forgot what God did for them, by his power. (Psalm 78:42) God was really angry with them for forgetting all that He had done for them!
The other reason that we want to keep remembering these things is because the bible says that, "the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophesy." (Rev 19:10) As we remember what God has done, the same supernatural (God kind) of faith is released so that we can do it again. That's reason to rejoice!
So I have a couple of pages of personal testimonies I've written down, in point form. They are not in chronological order. If you want, I can elaborate on any that you are interested in: scripture promises, or details of how they happened.
May your faith be encouraged as you read about our Supernatural God!
-Supernatural help writing my 1st year Circuits exam. Did a 3 hr exam in 20 minutes and passed the course with a "C"!
-Bus Driver freaked out and God told me to pray in tongues and he got set free!
-God witnessed to leader about me. Ha Ha! Yay God!
-Atmosphere changed in my University classes, over and over again.
-Got given a motorcycle for work.
Thunderstorm moved out of the way. God left a tiny piece of it so I would know it was Him answering my prayer.
-God handed me a plum job working in the Dept. of Education in 3rd year. We can never out give God.
-Supernaturally protected from physical assault.
-Job after graduation.
-Gas multiplied in my car for 1.5 weeks and I used my big Monte Carlo for sales!
- Two cars given to me!
-Prophesy and a place to stay in Ottawa.
-Daycare opening in 2 months, not two years like they said.
-Gift of healing. Chromosome trans location healed and had three healthy babies, after 6 miscarriages.
-Sex and characteristics God told me to claim for my children.
-Husband... God found him and brought Him to me and Even got my attention so I didn't dump him on our first date.
-Deliverance from lust.
-Horses again and a hobby farm. Dreams do come true!
Bees from God when we had exhausted all our options to get our orchard pollinated.
-Huge downspout (small tornado) that descended on our neighbors barn obeyed my command and went immediately back up into the sky. No one got hurt including the cows, although there was tons of damage done to the milking barn.
-Pigeon problem taken care of by God..... never had them since.
-Our horse Blue supernaturally healed so she could canter again (The Vet said it could never happen).
-Healthy foals with no complications.
-Protection from demonized horse at a farm. It couldn't get around me to hurt my children. Ha!
-Our calf protected from harm at our friends place. His twin died from pneumonia in the stall right beside him.
-Rain stopped at the border of our property so we could hay.
Thunderstorms circling our farm but not able to rain or hail at my command. We baled dry hay!
-Sparky our cat raised up from his death bed. He got healed so well he was trying to make kittens again!
-Friends delivered from drugs.
-Dry hay in a wet summer. Local farmer couldn't believe it and had to check some bales for himself. Yay God!
God had me take authority over a demon when a man was choking a young lady. He suddenly stopped and looked like someone waking up from a bad dream.
-Psychics confounded in the mall. Couldn't give any detailed readings.
-Words of knowledge from God for all the people waiting to see the psychic. It Really blessed some people to know that a Christian was trying to make a difference.
- At TACF, a huge revival Church in Toronto, God had me pray.... and a demonized lady was held quiet till an alter call was given right after the worship.
-Prophesy, "I'll never be sick another day in my life!"
-Job at "Nortel" after asking 4 years earlier for a job there.
-Lady in the mall got close to me and all of a sudden we felt an explosion in the air. She burst into tears and kept saying 'Thank you!' over and over. Holy Spirit said she was delivered!
-Lady at church got dramatically set free when I interceded as the Lord told me to.
-Palliative Care ward ministry. Stroke victim and pastor helped and Lee discharged from palliative care.
-Allergies healed.
Rabbit dead with a word-- my daughter will never forget that incident!
-Piano playing skill saved 15 years for me.
-Found bad product on skids and production lines by words of knowledge, many, many times. Saved the company thousands of dollars in rework costs.
-Got gifts to play tambourine, sing harmony and make (design) jewelry and write books.
-Our horse, Tina's markings, sex and temperament just like the poster we had on our wall.
-New careers when I needed them.
-Lord told me to ask for my mother in law's car. Got it three months later at the trade in value.
-Countless number of people healed so far.
-Over 100 songs by Holy Spirit's inspiration.
-So many words and visions to help!
-Angel helping me to street preach at the Dept. of Justice in Ottawa. What a miracle!
-So many words of knowledge to prove that God is Alive and Real. PTL!
-Power Grid around our home protected countless times from lightning strikes and power outages.
Huge storm with sheet lightning on three sides of our property. Didn't touch us at my command. We hayed the next day.
-Demonized man stopped manifesting when he got to the perimeter of my claimed area on Sparks Street preaching. He walked quietly through my area right in front of me and when he got about 15 feet past me is started manifesting again (yelling, swearing and cursing). What a sign to him that God is real! (You should have seen the people look sideways at me, LOL.)
-3 week old puppy healed from pneumonia.
-Little boy helped in Sunday school (set free from a tormenting spirit)
-15 dump truck loads of free logs for firewood given to us last month....
Can you see why I can't be discouraged for long? When ever I get under attack, I pull out my sheets of testimonies and remind the devil and myself how many times God has come through for me.
Best of all, He never changes! What He has done for me, He will do for you. We have mountain moving faith because He's inside us! So remember all He's done and put the same mountain moving faith to work again!
Bless you abundantly as you speak to your mountains!
Brenda Gale