Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I love it. I saw "DON'T QUIT" on a friend's page and I started commenting and it's stuff we all should be saying every morning.

Don't quit believing God's word.
Don't quit trusting for Him to come through for you.
Don't quit asking questions when things aren't going the way you thought they would.
Don't quit declaring/commanding your morning!

Here are some of the confessions I decree:
We rule and reign through Holy Spirit. We are victors not victims! We can do all things through Holy Spirit who is in us forever! (Rom 5:17,19 2Cor.2:14, Heb13:5-6)
Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.
-I am enriched in all my knowledge and speaking. I have supernatural recall of the word of God.
-I am smart, witty and wise and a joy to be around.
-I do not let the pride of my heart deceive me. I ask for a humble, teachable heart today Lord. (Obed. 3)
-Let me be Your living sacrifice today, Lord. Here are my hands, mouth, feet, mind, will and emotions. Use me today for Your glory.(Rom.12:2)
Thank You Lord that because I love Your word, nothing can cause me to stumble or take offense. (Ps. 119:165)
Thanks Holy Spirit for helping me to judge myself so that I won't be judged. (1Cor. 11:31)
-Thank You Lord that I don't have fear. I have your love, power and a sound mind. Hallelujah! (2Tim.1:7)
-Thank You Lord for helping me to take negative, critical, judgmental thoughts captive and to only think and speak what is good, pleasing, edifying, noble and praise worthy. (2Cor. 10:4-5, Phil. 4:4-8)
-Thank You Lord that I have your mind today. (2Cor. 2:14) Thanks Lord that only words of love, grace mercy and power flow out of me today. (Gal. 5:19-23)
Thank You Lord that I am full of the fruit of Holy Spirit and that my growth is evident to all.
Thank You Lord that I have favor with all people. Thank You Lord for clear, concise communication and no misunderstandings today.
Thank You Lord for opening the right doors for me and closing the rest. Thanks Lord for encouragement today. Use me to encourage others too.

Mark Virkler found out that up to 80% of what people think is negative. Also, the Lord told him that the negative thoughts were not from Him. Selah. (from the book "Grace & Forgiveness" by John and Carol Arnott" Pg 37)

So if we want to be useful in the Kingdom of God we are going to have to go against the tide and choose positive scripture-based thoughts and words.

Finally, the best way I know to take a bad thought captive is to say out loud something good. Your mind will shut up and listen to what you are speaking.

This has taken me a while but I'm happy to say that I'm so, so much better at thinking only good, noble, praiseworthy, blessing thoughts. Also, I have been able to help other people because I am more sensitive to spirits of depression and suicide on people as they come close to me.

Therefore, Don't Quit. You shine like stars in the dark night when you are full of praise and thanksgiving. God wants to use you today. Don't quit asking God to use you today. Don't quit asking for His compassion that will compel you to help others. LOL. (You are going to have an exciting day now!)

I bless you with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual understanding... (Col. 1:9-11)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Prophetic Symbolism

I saw an Angel in the spirit during worship at church a few weeks ago. He had some chains around his wrists.

Now some people are immediately thinking, "Wait a minute. Angels are mighty." I agree whole heartedly. That's why we need to ask lots of questions. Is this literal or figurative? Is this now or for the future?

I asked the Lord what to do with this picture and He said to break off the chains with declarations.

So I decreed that the spirit of revival was loosed in our church and that there were other angels now there to help this revival angel.

Well, as they say, the proof is in the pudding. We have had Holy Spirit breaks outs for many nights since then, with people feeling the presence of God as soon as they step into the sanctuary. People are getting healed, saved and delivered.

We serve a good God, who is in a good mood all the time. We can't do it without Him and He won't do it without us. So let's trust Him and if something doesn't fit, let's ask clarifying questions.

For example, I felt a heaviness for a bit last night and everyone was getting blessed and touched. The Lord told me to intercede in the middle of it. Go figure. So I asked Him, now? "Yep," I heard.

Doesn't make sense eh? Everybody else is getting mightily touched but I'm warring in the spirit, stomping around. I obeyed and thought, well He'll make it clear later. About an hour later I found out that a woman got delivered that night. Someone thought she was having an epileptic fit, but no, it was just the demon's leaving.

That's what I live for! Tears and laughter are great and I'll be a fool for Him forever, but there's nothing like the joy Holy Spirit gives when someone gets set free.

So if you see me doing some strange stuff during worship, don't worry... I am a prophetic intercessor following the voice of my King.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sword Drill

Yesterday was a hard day with no water at all and other troubles and it's so easy to use the word of God as a weapon.
Wait, hang on a minute! I don't want to hurt family members and use the word of God as a sword to cut them down or put them in their place. No, no, NO!

That's a sneaky way to drive them away from the Bible and God. Hmmm, I think I found one of the answers to the question I asked the Lord yesterday, "How do I recognize a religious spirit?"

We all know in theory that it's Holy Spirit's job to teach, correct and edify Christians but we sure like to help Him when people tick us off! Been there and done that to my chagrin. Yeah, I have done my share of repenting and apologizing to family members and friends for 'slicing' them with scripture. (ref. 2Tim. 3:16)

If there's no love showing, we need to pause and check our hearts before we correct someone with the word of God, especially when our tone and body language are hard and critical. For me, I choose not to do the devil's work for him. It's the love and goodness of God that leads us to repent (myself included).

I want grace and mercy for myself, therefore, since I reap what I sow, I better show mercy and grace to others. Now that's not to say that I don't have to correct my children, but I better make sure my heart and motives are clean before the Lord. I have learned that when I have a questionable attitude, I better not say anything. We don't fight against flesh and blood after all.

Yesterday, I told my flesh to shut up and I prayed the Lord's prayer for everyone. I also told a couple of friends so they could back me up in prayer. I am happy to say that there was great peace in my home yesterday evening and we got everything fixed that needed fixing. Yay God!

Let's pray...Lord Jesus please help us to use our swords properly, not to hurt others but to take out the enemy wherever we recognize him. Help us to listen to You to know when someone is ready to hear a 'word' and when they are not. Thanks for keeping our families safe from our 'sword drills.' May we always know when we are going to cross the line and use our swords for wrong purposes. Amen.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Waterslide Ministry

I took my daughter to the waterslide park yesterday because there was a free event put on by CHRI, the local Christian radio station. It started to rain so I sought shelter and it got really crowded when the thunder and heavy rain started. I was praying quietly for everyone that tempers wouldn't flare and that the love of God would manifest because we'd been waiting a long time for the rain to stop.

Then a latino fellow started playing his guitar and a sing-a-long started. I squeezed my way over so I could hear and join in and we had a great time exalting Jesus and encouraging one another in the Lord. Later, he played a song where we were supposed to reach out and show Christian love by greeting one another so I overcame my own hesitancy and reached out.

As soon as I did I started getting impressions and words for people so I quickly shared them as I went from one person to another. It was so cool. There was an openness there and I felt Holy Spirit smiling as I looked to see the gold in people.

I kept singing under my breath as the rain stopped and people slowly went back to their regular activities.

I still had to fight fear with my words... the enemy did not want me encouraging people. That's all the devil has is fear... so do like I do and tell him to take a hike. You have "not been given a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind." (2Tim. 1:7) You are bold because you are righteous. (Prov. 28:1)

Sometimes I only get one word or a picture and I've learned it's better to speak the one word that God gives you and trust Him to give you more, than to sit and wait and hope that you'll get another word. I have missed many opportunities waiting for more words. Just like Peter we have to step out of the boat, figuratively and trust that He'll come through for us.

Anyhow I must have shared words with about twenty people. It went really well except for one guy. When I first saw him I got, 'Double Life.' That's not the kind of word that I want to go speak to someone because I was thinking, okay he's hiding something and I've pegged him.

Wrong. I took those thoughts captive. (2Cor.10:4-5) I asked the Lord for something else for him. Didn't get anything. Sigh. I asked the Lord if He really wanted me to go talk to this man. "Yes." sigh, okay...

When I went up to him and told him the word I had, his guard went up, and I told the Lord (in my head) "See, I told you!" but then I got some more. It turns out there was a great disconnect between this guy's past and his present life and the Lord wanted to bring healing and restoration into his past. (That wasn't so bad eh?)

So I shared what the Lord gave me then I blessed him. He said, "Oh, okay." The relief was evident on his face.

That's something I learned from Graham Cooke. When you get a negative word of knowledge, ask the Lord to tell you what to prophesy to counteract that negative word. Prophesy is always for edification, exhortation, comfort and encouragement. We never want to do the devil's work for him by criticizing or judging someone.

Anyhow, it was a great day. I saw one of the guys I shared a word with on the way out and he invited me to the radio station for a visit. Said he liked the spirit our church was operating in. Amen to that!

I have awesome leaders now. There's an openness at our church and it's so awesome to be a part of what God is doing. I have found a new freedom to be who God created me to be and all I can say is "Thank You Lord!"

If you want some of this anointing, let me pray for you.
Lord I bless the person reading this. I ask that Your kingdom come in their lives and Your will be done in your lives right now. Thank You Lord for breaking off the hindrances in their lives. Open up the possibilities in their lives to hear Your voice and to act on it. Let your love and compassion compel them to make a difference everywhere they go in Jesus' name I ask. Amen!

Now go praise and worship Him and expect Him to keep His word and inhabit your praises. Then ask Him to show you the gold in people and believe you receive it and share His love and encouragement.

When I started, all I had was His love and I would go bless people and it took me a while to recognize all the impressions I was getting were for them and not me or random things. So go have fun learning how to be His Living Sacrifice, full of His glory and passion, making a difference.
I declare that your life will never be the same. Hallelujah!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

How Many Angels?

Many years ago when I was learning about Angels and our roles in the Kingdom of God I heard that they were sent to protect us (Psalm 91) and that they listen for the word of God coming out of us for some of their marching orders.(Psalm 103:20)

I was very intrigued by this and a few days later I asked the Lord if I was keeping my Angels busy. He said, "No." Well, I wanted to learn how so I asked the Lord to teach me.

A few weeks later I asked the Lord if I was keeping my Angels busy and He said, "Yes." I was happy initially but then I sensed a longing in Holy Spirit so I asked Him, "what's Up?"
I felt that He wanted more angels busy so I asked him to show me how to pray so more Angels would be busy.

A lot of it involved praying for people as I would see them, hear of them or talk to them on the phone. As I asked for God's kingdom to come and His will to be done etc. in their lives, more Angels got busy.

Many day's later, I was praying for all the guys in my Engineering class and I asked the Lord, "How many angels can I have?"

You know what He said? He said conversationally, "As many as you will keep busy."

I was stunned by the possibilities.

Since that day, many years ago, I have had great satisfaction keeping Angels busy, and as a result, I have seen many testimonies that keep my faith stoked. We do serve an awesome God and we are co-laborers with Him!

Lord I ask that you would make your word real to the person reading this. Show them how to cooperate with You and bring Your Kingdom and Your will on Earth. Thank you Lord for your Heavenly helpers, Angels and for showing us how to help You in the Great Commission too. Thanks Lord that we all have Your joy in our day to day walk with You. Amen.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Elijah List!

I am so glad I found out about Elijah List. Today's article by Kathie Walters is just one of the reason's why I appreciate having access to these articles.

Occasionally, when I am praying for somebody I feel sleepy all of a sudden. I have learned to command their slumbering spirit to wake up, in Jesus' name. Kathie goes into more detail about the effects of a slumbering spirit so I am just going to post a paragraph here with the links to the whole article. If you wonder how works and sleep are related than you need to read the whole article...

What is Our Inheritance?

Are you going to go to the ball and be a princess? Or are you going to stay in the kitchen and be a maid? Even Jesus said, The works that I do are not My works, but the works of Him who sent Me, and, The words that I speak are not My words, but the words of Him who sent Me. It's the same with us—we are not called to work for Jesus; please resign, abdicate, get off the throne of works and let the anointing flow through you. It's not trying and it's not working; it's yielding to the Spirit of God. It's Him flowing through you. It's allowing Him.

Wake up to your inheritance. Jesus died and rose again to impart to you the same inheritance He has. The realm of the Spirit, the supernatural realm, the angels, heavenly visitations, etc., are meant to be a normal part of your life. This is your inheritance: to dance with Him, to dwell in Him and walk in Him.

I love to tell people, "Snuggle, don't struggle. Nestle, don't wrestle." All the "working at it" will keep you asleep to the delightfulness of your Love. And you will slumber in the bed of trying and striving. There is nothing you can do except yield and enjoy the Lord. He called you to enjoy Him. When you enjoy Him, then you can serve Him, and then you will have something to give.

The whole article can be found at...

At the top of the page there is a box for you to press if you want to get the mailings ever day. I highly recommend it! It's so nice to get confirmation of what the Lord has been telling me and many times I get it through Elijah List.

I bless you with the desire to be a princess or prince for the Lord and the ability to discern his voice. Lord protect our worship times with you I ask, in Jesus' Mighty name. Thank You Lord for speaking to your Saints today. Amen!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

tv today?

Today I want to ask the Lord for prophetic insights into people's lives to draw the gold out of them. Just another ordinary day, heh, heh.

This morning I got the song, "Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord." I listened to it on youtube and for some reason I never heard part of the song before. It goes, "...and He will lift you up into Heaven." That is so cool... sounds like an invitation.

This am I have prayed for someone fighting offense, someone with a sore back, someone with a hurt big toe and someone fighting blocked arteries as well as fixing the horse fencing around here.

God's so good. He's quite willing to come along and talk while I work, the key is to keep listening.

Did you know that we are seated with Him in Heavenly places? (Eph. 2:6) Also, as we listen to Holy Spirit and cut the junk out of our lives, our imagination will become more and more useful to receive insights and revelation from Heaven.

I didn't realize this at first. When Holy Spirit told me to not watch certain tv shows and movies I didn't know what I was going to do with myself. It cut out a lot of social time with my family. However, I was determined to keep Holy Spirit happy at any cost, I mean any cost and it has been well worth it. Over the years my tv time has dwindled to nothing and there are few movies that I care to watch.

Holy Spirit has a tender heart and he's easily grieved. He doesn't like anyone getting slandered, put down or hurt. I remember when Holy Spirit said, "No." to America's Funniest Videos. My family did not understand at all. Every time someone would fall or get hurt I would start praying in tongues and everyone else would be laughing. What's wrong with this picture? I asked the Lord about it and He said that the person who was hurt, was someone He died for and that when we laugh we are shutting down compassion.

Compassion is love, ie. Holy Spirit moving through us, compelling us to make a difference. I don't ever want to quench His voice.

Maybe you have been asking why you are not hearing God's voice well. Perhaps the tv and movies you watch are searing your conscience like a hot iron. That can make it very hard to move into worship because flashes of things you've seen will come in your mind as you try to focus on the Lord. If this has happened to you too, just ask the Lord to forgive you and cleanse you. (1John 1:9)

Lord please bless the person reading this. Open their eyes to see more in the Spirit and give them revelation of Heaven and their high calling in You. Amen. (ref. Rev. 3:18, Rev. 5:10)