Saturday, March 12, 2011

Eileen Fisher: "You will Arrest the Enemy and Set the Captives Free"

Eileen Fisher: "You will Arrest the Enemy and Set the Captives Free"

This is bang on with what the Lord has been teaching me the last year.

He is crowning us, James 1:12 because we have persevered under trial and stood the tests. We are a crown of splendor in the Lord's hand, a royal diadem in the hand of our God. (Is. 62:3)

Greater is He, Holy Spirit in us than he that is in the world. (1John. 4:4) We know in our heads that God loves us, but it's a whole other revelation to realize that whatever comes to us in life has been filtered through His hands. Greater trust equals greater works for the Kingdom because you don't have to protect yourself. You can throw yourself 100% into whatever the Lord leads you to do, knowing that His power to protect and heal you is greater than anything that the devil could ever throw at you.

I bless you today! May we all know more about His love for us, how great and high and deep and long is His love, and may we dare to trust Him to look after us more. Amen!

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