Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Weight Loss Time. Yahoo!

I am so tired of yo-yo dieting that I joined Weight Watchers a few weeks ago.  I have been gaining and losing the same 40 lbs since I was 16 years old.

I really like the plan. It has changed a lot over the years and now it is much more realistic as a lifestyle.
I finally realized that I can't just lose the weight then go back to my bad eating habits.  This has to become a lifestyle if I don't want to continue yo-yo dieting.

Therefore, the last few weeks I have been poring over the plan and searching out healthier recipes to cook for my gang.

I have done a low carb diet.... and the carb headaches are horrible. I could only do it for a few months then had to take a break.  It wasn't realistic for the long term.

I have been on another strict diet plan and it was a good plan, just very expensive and restrictive.

I lost 40 pounds going on a series of juice fasts. I started with 1 day fast then worked my way up to a 40 day fast.  Ended up doing a couple of 21 day fasts and a 40 day fast.  I was weak a lot of the time because I have an active lifestyle.  Cooking meals for everybody was really tough because I was so hungry.  They say you are supposed to fast and pray.  I did do some praying, believe me!

I was looking for support to help me make healthier choices long term and the point plus plan looked appealing.   My Mom had us on the Weight Watcher's  program when I was 12 years old  and this new plan is SO much better.

The Bible says that a drunkard and a glutton (someone who over eats) tend to poverty (Prov. 23:21)  I certainly don't want anything to stop me from reaping all the harvests I have sown.

That is why I haven't been writing as much lately.  I am trying to get a handle on what to eat and how to make healthier  decisions. My motto is simple, "Every week I don't gain weight I consider myself a winner. "  I found some great web sites for Weight Watchers recipes and there's an on-line support group on Facebook that is really busy.  All these tools will help me reach my goals. PTL!

I bless you today.  Have a great day with HIM!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale

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