Monday, December 12, 2011

Turning Thorns Into Trophies

"To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. "(2Cor. 12:7)

I love it.  We serve such a great God that every thorn the enemy sends against us we can turn into a trophy for our Lord Jesus. Let me show you how.

As we start praying for others let's say for healing we will get some back lash... it's inevitable. A pesky thorn has attacked us.  This provides us with the opportunity to get stronger in the promises of healing and protection... or stay sick and endure the torment.

God allows in his wisdom what he could easily prevent by his power.  His grace will come and help us.  His power is made perfect in our weakness. (ref. 2Cor. 12:9) He will show us how to fight and remind us of promises to speak out loud.  Some good healing confessions are here...

He might also tell you to take communion and/or get a friend to agree with you for healing.  Often when I can't get the breakthrough on my own, getting a fellow believer to agree with me will assure the victory.  Don't forget the power of getting your spouse to agree with you!  Even if all they say is "Amen," that's agreement enough. God honors covenant and will use it to bust the enemies attack.

Sometimes, when the thorn is pesky enough and I have done all that I know to do, I go on the offensive and start praying for everyone I know that might be experiencing any type of physical symptom.  I have got a thorn temporarily, but I am going to be a costly target.  When I start praying in tongues for lots of people it doesn't take long and all the symptoms leave. 

Therefore, I encourage you... be an expensive target.   Turn that little thorn into a huge trophy for the Lord.   Every single word of knowledge that I have learned was once a thorn in my flesh. PTL!  Here's an article I wrote about them and the list keeps growing. I love it!

One other note... you might notice that when you start to pray for people or come into the vicinity of people that the symptom starts up again.  Sometimes I have found that this can be triggered by another spirit that is attached to the person you are praying for. (We all have angelic and demonic assignments)  So, because you are spiritually sensitive in the area you have been fighting, that's the fastest way Holy Spirit can alert you to pray.  

Another way of looking at it is that the devil is the worst street fighter ever.  He always goes for your weak spot.  Since you are weak, as in 'under attack' in that area, he will try to hit you there.

Therefore, do not be discouraged. You are achieving great victories.   The better you get at putting on your armor every day and the more you give your victories away, the stronger you will become in the spirit realm. (ref. Eph. 6:10-18, 1John. 5:4, Matt. 10:8)  So use wisdom and let Holy Spirit guide you.  When you are struggling to like a person, is not the time to do major warfare on their behalf.  You might want to fill up your love tank first. (ref. Rom. 5:5)

If you have any questions, let me know. There's an area for comments at the end of the post.

I bless you today with the ability to see your thorn as an opportunity to get a trophy for the Lord Jesus.  May you be endued with his power and grace and may you have the tenacity and perseverance to turn every trial into a great testimony, in Jesus' name. Amen!

Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson

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