Friday, December 2, 2011

Winter Colds & Sickness

We don't have to be sick every winter.  Really,  we don't.   Sometimes we curse ourselves when we speak words like, "I always get sick in the winter." or "I get every cold that comes around."

Sometimes it is words that family or friends have spoken over us that have opened the door for these spirits of sickness to attack us every winter.  This often happens when we are children and don't know not to receive it and the words become a perpetual curse.

So to start, I would break the curse in Jesus' name then start renewing your mind. God has given us authority to bind and loose things. We need to take this privilege seriously.  Whatever we bind on Earth is bound in Heaven and whatever we loose on Earth is loosed in Heaven. (ref. Matt. 16:19)

Thank You Lord that I prosper and I'm in health as my soul prospers. You want me whole and healthy in all seasons. (ref. 3John 2)
Thank You Lord that I am strong in you and my immune system fights off every virus. (ref. Eph. 6:10)
Thank You Lord that I am protected from secondary infections in Jesus name.
Thank you Lord for protecting me from the plague (pneumonia) that tries to attack me. (Psalm 91)

Here's a blog post that's full of good confessions to use to renew your mind.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. (ref. Rom. 10:17)  Fear comes by hearing and hearing the word of the devil.  You choose what you listen to and receive in your heart.

Did you know that you believe what you say more than you believe what anybody else says?   Yes it's true.  Therefore you and I need to  line up our words with Heaven and give the angels something to work with.  They hearken to the voice of his word through us.  (ref. Psalm 103:20)

Have fun!
I bless you in Jesus' name!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson

(photo courtesy of

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